ALICE zooms in on evolution of the quark–gluon plasma
The precise particle-identification and momentum-measurement capabilities of the ALICE experiment allow researchers to reconstruct a variety of short-lived particles or resonances ...
The precise particle-identification and momentum-measurement capabilities of the ALICE experiment allow researchers to reconstruct a variety of short-lived particles or resonances ...
Radius parameters versus average transverse kaon-pair momentum determined from K0S – K± correlations and identical-kaon correlations in central ALICE lead–lead collisions....
The ALICE collaboration has measured an interference pattern at the femtometre scale using ultra-peripheral collisions between lead nuclei at the LHC.
With data from the first heavy-ion run at the LHC, the ALICE collaboration has made the first observation of elliptic flow of charged particles in lead-lead collisions at 2.76 TeV...
Mid-February marked the end of the first three-year run of the LHC. While the machine exceeded all expectations, delivering significantly more data to the experiments than i...
The LHC is back in business.
In high-energy nucleus–nucleus collisions, heavy-flavour quarks (charm and beauty) are produced on a very short time scale in initial hard-scattering processes and thus they expe...
These two results suggest that charmed baryon formation might not be universal, and that the baryon/meson ratio depends on the collision system.
In Pb-Pb collisions, the spectra are modified by the energy loss that the partons suffer when propagating in the quark-gluon plasma.
The large centre-of-mass energy and luminosity of the LHC have made possible the first measurements of electroweak-boson production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.