The LHC is back: four remarkable weeks
The moment that particle physicists – and many others – around the world had been waiting for finally arrived on 20 November 2009. Bunches of protons circulated once again rou...
The moment that particle physicists – and many others – around the world had been waiting for finally arrived on 20 November 2009. Bunches of protons circulated once again rou...
In current understanding, the matter created in heavy-ion collisions – the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) – behaves as a nearly perfect liquid.
The symmetries of parity (P) and its combination with charge conjugation (C) are known to be broken in the weak interaction.
One of the key ways of looking into what happens when high-energy hadrons collide is to measure the relationship between the number, or multiplicity, of particles produced and thei...
Now in its 10th year, the initiative reaches more than 40 countries.
More than 10,000 tests need to be completed to prepare the LHC for a collision energy of 13 TeV.
In contrast to strongly interacting hadronic probes, dielectrons provide an unperturbed view into the quark–gluon plasma.
Proton beams are once again circulating in the LHC in preparation for Run 3.
A new measurement by the ALICE collaboration has demonstrated for the first time that jets become narrower after “quenching” in quark–gluon plasma.
A pioneer in studies of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, and leader of the Ukraine–CERN collaboration.