ALICE: from LS1 to readiness for Run 2
It is nearly two years since the beams in the LHC were switched off and Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) began. Since then, a myriad of scientists and engineers have been repairing an...
It is nearly two years since the beams in the LHC were switched off and Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) began. Since then, a myriad of scientists and engineers have been repairing an...
Volker Lindenstruth goes behind the scenes of a completely new computing model that allows the ALICE collaboration to merge online and offline data processing into a single softwar...
The ALICE software environment (AliRoot) first saw light in 1998, at a time when computing in high-energy physics was facing a challenging task. A community of several thousand use...
The ALICE collaboration is charting a course to an exciting heavy-ion physics programme for Runs 5 and 6 at the High-Luminosity LHC.
The recently installed, upgraded ALICE inner tracking system is the largest pixel detector ever built and the first at the LHC to use monolithic active pixel sensors.
After more than three years of highly successful operation, the ALICE detector is about to undergo a major programme of consolidation and upgrade during the Long Shutdown 1 ...
How the experiment employs an arsenal of techniques.
The ALICE experiment is being upgraded to make even more precise measurements of extreme nuclear matter
While proton-proton collisions will be the principal diet of CERN's LHC machine, heavy-ion collisions will also be on the menu. The ALICE experiment will be ready and waiting.
How to build a muon spectrometer to study hot quark matter.