
Rencontres du Vietnam 2023 – Theory meeting experiments: particle astrophysics and cosmology

The conference Theory meeting experiments (TMEX-2023) will be held on 5–11 January 2023. It will bring together leading theoreticians and experimentalists to discuss forefront topics in the field of particle astrophysics and cosmology. This meeting will be organized in Quy Nhon at the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) in the spirit of the Rencontres du Vietnam, a series of topical international multidisciplinary meetings, created by Jean Trân Thanh Vân, which in the past covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. Lunches will be served in the Center to all participants, in order to enhance interaction among scientists.

The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited oral presentations (both review and topical) and contributed talks. A special emphasis will be put on active participation of younger researchers and post-docs. A detailed scientific programme is currently in preparation; if you urgently need information which is currently not available on this site, you may contact Emmanuel Moulin (email) and/or Gérard Fontaine (email). This site will be updated regularly, as new information becomes available. The format of the conference will gather around 100 participants discussing subjects as:

  • Dark matter: WIMPs and alternatives
  • Dark matter: direct and indirect searches
  • Gravitational waves:
  • Gamma rays, cosmic rays
  • Neutrinos
  • Large scale surveys
  • Cosmological parameters
  • Future experiments/facilities
  • Time domain astronomy and multi-messenger astronomy

The 6th Asian Tier Center Forum (ATCF6)

It is the sixth event in this series after the pandemic with the aim to strengthen collaboration among Asian countries which are involved in Grid computing communities such as WLCG, B2G, and LDG. The forum will be held in Krabi, Thailand and hosted by Suranaree University of Technology(SUT) together with Global Science experimental Data hub Center (GSDC), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI).

The objectives of this forum  to review the activities through ATCF before the pandemic and their current status, i.e. Asian sites’ status, the network connectivity in terms of LHCONE in Asia and the distributed storage project conducted by three sites, KISTI-ICEPP-SUT. As usual, Asian sites’ participation and contributions are mandatory for the success of the forum, and we are expecting the presence from international / national research and education network providers in Asia with their roadmap and milestones for LHCONE networking. Also, we will discuss how to expand from lessons learned through the distributed storage project to further activities in order to consolidate resources and ease operational efforts. In this regard, the perspectives on Asian grid computing community from LHC and non-LHC experiments representatives will definitely be helpful and essential. Additionally, we will host HTCondor and Storage software sessions in order for site operators to interact closely with experts with the latest updates.

It is suggested that a strong collaboration in a same time zone is required to put efforts on tracking technologies, commissioning core grid services, establishing a support model for sites and so on. Thus, the ultimate goal of this forum is to contribute to promotion of harmonization of research computing infrastructure in the region.

Amplitudes 2022

Amplitudes 2022, the 14th in a series of annual meetings, brings together a community of researchers in this fast-growing field of theoretical physics, interested in both formal and practical aspects of scattering amplitudes, and wide range of applications from pure mathematics to collider and gravitational wave physics.

Amplitudes Summer School will take place the week prior to the conference, August 1-6, 2022.

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton)
  • Zvi Bern (UCLA)
  • Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State U.)
  • Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter)
  • Clifford Cheung (Caltech)
  • Lance Dixon (SLAC)
  • Henriette Elvang (University of Michigan)
  • Song He (CAS Beijing and Hangzhou)
  • Johannes Henn (Max Planck Inst., Munich)
  • David Kosower (IPhT, Saclay)
  • Michèle Levi (Oxford University)
  • Lionel Mason (Oxford University)
  • Anastasia Volovich (Brown University)

Local Organizers

Karol Kampf (Charles University), Jaroslav Trnka (UC Davis)
Christoph Bartsch, Jiří Novotný, Petr Vaško (Charles University Prague)
Klaus Bering, Michal Pazderka (Masaryk University Brno)
Constantinos Skordis, Renann Lipinski Jusinskas, Will Emond (Academy of Sciences Prague), Taro Brown (UC Davis)

Confirmed speakers

Agnese Bissi, Alessandra Buonanno, Alex Edison, Alexander Zhiboedov, Alfredo Guevara, Amit Sever, Andrew McLeod, Andrzej Pokraka, Callum Jones, Chia-Hsien Shen, Congkao Wen, Dalimil Mazac, David Kosower, Dimitry Chicherin, Fabrizio Caola, Gabriele Travaglini, Guilherme Pimentel, Gustav Mogull, Henriette Elvang, Hofie Hannesdottir, Johannes Henn, Julio Parra-Martinez, Lance Dixon, Livia Ferro, Lucia Cordova, Marc Spradlin, Mariana Carrillo-Gonzalez, Matthias Wilhelm, Michèle Levi, Monica Pate, Natalie Paquette, Nathaniel Craig, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Sabrina Pasterski, Sebastian Mizera, Shruti Paranjape, Song He, Tim Adamo, Xi Yin, Zohar Komargodski, Zvi Bern


This conference receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  (Novel structures in scattering amplitudes, grant agreement No 725110). We also acknowledge the support of Charles University, the Czech Science Foundation, the Czech Ministry of Education, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Masaryk University.

TASI 2022

Ten Years After the Higgs Discovery: Particle Physics Now and Future

The program will consist of a pedagogical series of lectures and seminars. Lectures will be given over a four-week period, three or four lectures per day, Monday through Friday. The audience will be composed primarily of advanced theoretical graduate students. Experimentalists with a strong background in theory are also encouraged to apply. Some post-doctoral fellows will be admitted, but preference will be given to applicants who will not have received their Ph.D. before 2022. The minimum background needed to get full benefit of this TASI is a knowledge of quantum field theory and some familiarity with the Standard Model and issues beyond it. We hope to provide some subsidy, but students will need partial support from other sources. Rooms, meals, and access to all facilities will be provided at reasonable rates in beautifully located dormitories at the University of Colorado.


2022 APS March Meeting

Join more than 12,000 physicists at the largest physics meeting in the world in 2022!

Covering a Broad Spectrum of Physics.

Showcase your work to a global audience of physicists, scientists, and students representing 30 APS Units and Committees and explore groundbreaking research from industry, academia, and major labs.

APS is finalizing the scope of the virtual components of the March Meeting 2022. We will provide additional details as they become available.

Invited Sessions, Tutorials and Short Courses

Invited Session, Tutorials and Short Courses will be live streamed and captured for on-demand viewing. Speakers in these sessions will have the option to present remotely on the day of the program.

Contributed and Focus Sessions

APS asks all Contributed and Focus Session presenters to upload a video of their talk to our secure platform. This is for both in-person and remote attendees. The video will be made available to all registered participants, which will expand the reach of your research. If you are unable to travel to Chicago, your video will be played in your absence. APS will be unable to live stream and/or have remote presenters during Contributed and Focus Sessions.

Poster Presentations

Poster presenters will have the option to upload a five-minute video explanation along with their poster. These videos will be available to all registered participants on-demand. There also will be an in-person poster presentation scheduled and one for the virtual audience. We will provide more information once it is available.

Joint APP, HEPP and NP Annual Meeting

A combined annual meeting of the IOP Astroparticle Physics Group, the High Energy Particle Physics Group and the Nuclear Physics Group.

From 12-15 April 2021, the Institute of Physics will be bringing together the UK Nuclear Physics, High Energy Particle Physics and Astroparticle Physics communities for a joint annual conference. Due to the ongoing Covid situation, this meeting will be delivered in an entirely online format. The meeting will feature keynote and invited talks from major national and international speakers, as well as extensive opportunities for contributed talks. Poster sessions will be presented using a virtual environment to promote social interaction, and updates and discussions with senior members of the Science and Technology Facilities Council will be provided at a Town Meeting.

Beyond Standard Model: From Theory to Experiment (BSM-2021)

The BSM-2021 Conference is an online meeting, organized by The Center for Fundamental Physics (CFP) at Zewail City of Science and Technology and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Sabancı University.

The conference aims at discussing latest developments in the physics beyond the standard models of particle physics, cosmology and gravitation. We hope that the conference will help to strengthen the international collaborations among the high energy physicists, and allow for fruitful discussions on most recent theoretical, experimental and observational developments.

The program consists of plenary presentations by invited speakers and contributed talks selected from submitted abstracts. The main topics of the conference are:

  • Collider Physics and Beyond
  • Supersymmetry and GUT
  • Higgs Physics
  • Neutrino Physics
  • Astroparticle Physics and Dark Matter
  • Gravity and Black Holes
  • Cosmology and Early Universe
  • String Theory and Phenomenology

Participation in the BSM-2021 is FREE. 

Light Dark World 2020

Light Dark World 2020 is the fifth meeting of the Light Dark World International Forum. It will be held on December 14-18, 2020, via zoom and is hosted by Sydney-CPPC, the consortium of the particle physics and cosmology groups at the Universities of New South Wales and Sydney. The zoom link will be provided to registered participants closer to the workshop.

Light Dark World 2020 will bring together global experts from experiment and theory to discuss recent advances and develop new opportunities to study new light particles beyond the Standard Model, including light gauge boson, light scalar, light dark matter, axion, axion-like particle, and light sterile neutrinos.

Previous Meetings of the Light Dark World Series are

Confirmed speakers:

  • Djuna Croon (TRIUMF)
  • Malcolm Fairbairn (King’s College London)
  • Jonathan Feng (UC Irvine)
  • Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz)
  • Rebecca Leane (SLAC)
  • Hyun-Min Lee (Chung-Ang U)
  • David Morrissey (TRIUMF)
  • Josef Pradler (Vienna, OAW)
  • Yannis Semertzidis (KAIST)
  • Yevgeny Stadnik (IPMU)
  • Michael Tobar (U Western Australia)
  • Jingqiang Ye (Columbia U)
  • Tien-Tien Yu (U Oregon)
  • Yu-Feng Zhou (ITP)

European Strategy Update – Strategy Drafting Session

LEAPS Plenary Meeting 2019

LEAPS – the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources – is a strategic consortium initiated by the Directors of the Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser (FEL) user facilities in Europe. Its primary goal is to actively and constructively ensure and promote the quality and impact of the fundamental, applied and industrial research carried out at their respective facility to the greater benefit of European science and society.

The Plenary Meeting offers an insight into the LEAPS Strategy

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