At the Frontier of Particle Physics: Handbook of QCD – Boris Ioffe Festschrift
Gordon Fraser reviews in 2001 At the Frontier of Particle Physics: Handbook of QCD - Boris Ioffe Festschrift.
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Gordon Fraser reviews in 2001 At the Frontier of Particle Physics: Handbook of QCD - Boris Ioffe Festschrift.
Lucio Rossi reviews in 2001 Superconducting Materials for High Energy Colliders.
Gordon Fraser reviews in 2001 The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics.
This includes a tribute to David Schramm (who died on 19 December 1997) by Michael Turner, and many contributions, then topical, on cosmology and astrophysics, by distinguished people.
It is prefaced by tributes to Bjorn Wiik, who died on 26 February 1999, by Kjell Johnsen, Horst Wenninger and Günter Wolf, and it goes on to cover basics, theoretical and experimental highlights, and...
Gianfrancesco Giudice reviews in 2001 The Supersymmetric World: The Beginnings of the Theory.
The record of the symposium held in Osaka on 27 July - 2 August 2000.
A useful review (62 pages) and bibliography (33 pages), with 1200 pages of reprinted papers, including pioneer neutrino papers (at the front) and extracts from CERN Courier (at the back).
John Swain reviews in 2001 Chaos and Harmony, Perspectives on Scientific Revolutions of the 20th Century.
Torleif Ericson reviews in 2001 The Legacy of Léon Van Hove.