The A-to-Z of CERN: Universe Unlocked
An informative, attractive and entertaining glossary of all things CERN and particle physics.
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An informative, attractive and entertaining glossary of all things CERN and particle physics.
Peter Jenni finds a unique and excellent account of particle physics that goes way beyond a description of the LHC project.
This important documentary film raises the often silenced voice of female scientists who have been discriminated against
Massimo Giovannini reviews Steven Weinberg’s last book, his first aimed at undergraduate students.
Hadron form factors: From Basic Phenomenology to QCD Sum Rules is a valuable reference work, writes Amanda Cooper-Sarkar.
Filled with brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders, Letizia Diamante’s debut book will engage children of all ages.
A new production of Michael Frayn’s masterwork Copenhagen contains little action but much physics and food for thought, finds Letizia Diamante.
The Ideas of Particle Physics, fourth edition, by J E Dodd and B Gripaios, Cambridge University Press.
Ghost Particle captures the human spirit surrounding the birth of a modern particle-physics detector.
Beatriz Gato-Rivera's Antimatter: What It Is and Why It's Important in Physics and Everyday Life is comprehensive and well structured, writes Wolfgang Lerche.