BESIII passes milestone at the charm threshold
The largest charm-threshold data set ever collected is also vital for studies with charm and beauty mesons at LHCb and Belle II.
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The largest charm-threshold data set ever collected is also vital for studies with charm and beauty mesons at LHCb and Belle II.
The LHC’s dedicated heavy-ion experiment is to be equipped with an upgraded inner tracker and a new forward calorimeter during the next long shutdown.
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument has catalogued millions of objects in its bid to study the evolution of the universe.
He gained international prestige by studying interference in K-meson decays in experiments at CERN.
A brilliant cosmic-ray physicist, the first doctor of physics at Gauhati University and a founding vice-chancellor of Central Tezpur University.
A recognised international leader in laser technologies for radioactive ion-beam production.
No known particle is heavy enough to decay into two Higgs bosons. The resonant production of Higgs pairs would therefore be clear evidence for new physics.