A decider for CERN’s next collider
The third update of the European strategy for particle physics is underway.
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The third update of the European strategy for particle physics is underway.
Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to many of the problems of the Standard Model (SM) by introducing new boson/fermion partners for each SM fermion/boson, and by extending the Higgs secto...
The BASE experiment has reduced the time to cool antiprotons from 15 hours to eight minutes.
Recently, researchers at the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory in Mexico reported the observation of ultra-high energy (> 100 TeV) gamma rays from the central region of the galaxy.
By parking events triggered by a single muon, CMS collected an inclusive sample of approximately 10 billion b-hadrons in 2018.
The ALICE collaboration has measured an interference pattern at the femtometre scale using ultra-peripheral collisions between lead nuclei at the LHC.
The ALICE analysis sought to distinguish between the Lund string fragmentation and statistical hadronisation models.
The ATLAS collaboration recently compiled a series of results targeting HH decays to bbγγ, bbττ, bbbb, bbℓℓ plus missing transverse energy, and multilepton final states.
As a full Member State, Estonia will now have voting rights in the CERN Council, enhanced opportunities for Estonian nationals to be recruited by CERN and for Estonian industry to bid for CERN contrac...
The measurement benefits from the unique forward coverage of the LHCb detector.