- Strong interactions
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- Workshop
Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (PSI2022)
16—21 October 2022 | Villigen, Argovia Canton, Switzerland
Venue: PSI
Contact: Lauss, Bernhard
The workshop focuses on the physics at the low energy, high precision frontier without neglecting complementary approaches. It aims at highlighting present activities and future developments.
Scientific Topics
- Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
- Experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, other particles and atoms
- Searches for permanent electric dipole moments
- Searches for symmetry violations and new forces
- Precision measurements of fundamental constants
- Exotic atoms and molecules
- New tools and facilities
The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) itself offers unique opportunities for experiments in this realm: it houses the world’s most powerful proton cyclotron and the highest intensity low momentum pion and muon beams and the new ultracold neutron source.
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