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Learning To Discover
19—29 April 2022 | Orsay, France
Learning To Discover is a program on Artificial Intelligence and High Energy Physics (HEP) to take place at Institut Pascal Paris-Saclay 19th Apr 2022 to 29th Apr 2022, in its beautiful new building. Over the two weeks, three themes will be successively tackled during innovation-oriented sessions of two days each, followed by a three-day general conference on AI and physics.
Since 2014, the field of AI and HEP has grown exponentially. Physicists have realised quickly the potential of AI to deal with the large amount of complex data they are collecting and analysing. Many AI techniques have been put forward, with scientific collaboration based on open data sets, challenges, workshops and papers.
Learning To Discover is a first-of-its-kind program where participants will have access to deep technical insights in advanced machine learning techniques, and their application to particle physics. During the event, blending the concept of hackathon, hands-on and tutorials, physicists who have attempted to apply machine learning to specific challenges in HEP will expose their problem case and the solutions they have arrived at so far. ML experts will expose the latest advances in relevant techniques. Machine learning experts and ML-aware physicists will work hand in hand on existing datasets, building upon and improving existing solutions.Bibliography and open datasets will have been made available months earlier in order to make the event most productive. Under this particular environment, the participants will be able to discuss and understand shortcomings of existing solutions and develop novel architectures and methods to outperform on the specific problem.
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