
The 51st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) and the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS)

The 51st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) will be held in Beijing, China, in 2024. ICOPS is an annual conference coordinated by the Plasma Science and Application Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS).

The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS) was organized in Xi’an, China as the future Asian version of ICOPS in 2018, which has a strong component on fast emerging terahertz science. The ICOPS 2024 is organized together with the 4th APCOPTS. The program of the 51st ICOPS & 4th APCOPTS covers both traditional areas of plasma and terahertz science and new exploratory research areas. The conference offers an outstanding forum for scientists and engineers to learn further about some of the greatest advances in plasma science and technology, terahertz science and new exploratory research areas in recent years and to discuss future directions of research.

The 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024)

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to welcome you to Beijing, China, for the 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024) between September 9th and 13th 2024. IBIC Series bring together the world community of experts in instrumentation for particle accelerators, to explore the physics and engineering challenges of beam diagnostics and measurement techniques for charged particle beams. The 3.5 days conference includes tutorials on selected topics, invited and selected talks, as well as poster sessions.

IBIC2024 is held by Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), which is China’s biggest laboratory for the study of particle physics. BEPCII and CSNS, two large scale facilities are operating, HEPS, a fourth generation light source is under construction in IHEP. As part of the conference, a tour of the HEPS construction site or BEPCII tunnel is organized.

Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), center of politics, culture, transport, tourism and international communication of China, is a fast-growing, dynamic metropolis, attracts foreign businesses and visitors, and maintains a firm grip on its rich cultural heritage.

Looking forward to meeting you in Beijing !

32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC24)

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC). In 2024, LINAC will come to the heart of downtown Chicago, Illinois and take place at the historic Hilton Chicago from August 25-30, 2024. The conference will be hosted jointly by Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

LINAC is the main bi-yearly gathering for the world-wide community of linear accelerator experts. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linacs and their applications.

Following a long and successful tradition, LINAC2024 will feature invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions and an industry exhibition. A stimulating scientific program will be complemented by social events that promote informal knowledge exchange. There are several sponsorship opportunities for all those who would like to support the event and gain visibility. We plan on an in-person conference with very limited remote participation. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a special virtual tour of facilities at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to see the newly commissioned Advanced Photon Source Upgrade as well as other accelerator facilities, and to view the progress of the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) Superconducting radiofrequency linac and associated facilities at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL).

7th Workshop for Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures

Event description

In the current decade, after contrasted indications of dwindling and instable energy resources, energy cost rises and severe evidences of climate change, the sustainability of technical infrastructures has been confirmed as an unavoidable demand. New medium and large dimension research infrastructures are forced to face this challenging scenario.

Extreme performance operation and cutting-edge technologies often lead to high power consumption. The development of next generation research and technological infrastructures and the upgrade of existing ones demand new concepts in terms of sustainability, affecting both to new technological concepts and reconsidering the operation of the facilities.

Besides, the clear increase of carbon-free, renewable energy sources, energy-efficient systems, more advanced energy storage integration and smart grids can reduce strain on the energy supply. But this cannot be an excuse for delaying the transition to sustainable infrastructures. In this regard, collaboration among scientists, engineers, environmental experts and scientific policy makers is crucial for devising long-term strategies for sustainable research infrastructure.

Sustainable development and operation of research infrastructures does not limit to energy efficiency considerations; it also encompasses circular economy concepts and a proper life cycle of materials and components, concluding with a responsible management of wastes. Embracing transformative changes towards sustainability means progress and innovation. Research facilities must take a leading position in environmental consciousness and the pursuit of efficient energy solutions, inspiring other sectors.

Renewable energy sources offer hope for a greener future, including solar, wind, and geothermal technologies. Energy-efficient systems and smart grids can mitigate power demand and reduce strain on traditional energy grids. Integrating energy storage and management systems is essential for a stable power supply.

The main goal of this event is to identify the challenges, technical and strategical, to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures. This includes sharing experiences on new energy-efficient technologies, energy management at research infrastructures, review how the energy sustainability is faced on the current research projects, analyze life cycle, and discuss about future aims and trends, among other topics. Specific interest will be paid to involve pre-doctoral students into the workshop discussions, to promote the involvement of the young research staff on the event topics.

To stimulate exchanges and foster contacts and cooperation among the participants, the format of the event has been selected to be in-presence, although speakers from non European institutions will be exceptionally allowed to participate on-line.

CIEMAT, in collaboration with CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), PSI (the Paul Scherrer Institut), ESS (The European Spallation Source) and ERF (The European Association of National Research Facilities) will host the Seventh Workshop on Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures Facilities in Madrid on 25-27 November 2024, as a continuation of a series of events hosted by ESS (2011), CERN (2013), DESY (2015), ELI-NP (2017), PSI (2019) and ESRF (2022).

IHEP CAS Career Information Session

An event at CERN highlighting job opportunities at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Introduction to IHEP

The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), a Chinese Academy of Sciences research institute, is the largest laboratory for the study of particle physics in China. IHEP is the professional home of over 1500 full-time employees, as well as more than 900 postdocs and graduate students. Since particle physics is a very collaborative and international field, IHEP also has partnerships and experimental collaborations with dozens of universities and research institutions across China and the world.


IHEP is always searching for more excellent scientists and engineers, at all career stages, to join us in exploring this amazing universe. We have long-term and short-term opportunities available in our world-class research programmes, which include the fields of high energy physics, particle astrophysics, computer science, cosmology, synchrotron radiation, and advanced accelerator physics. These positions come with a highly competitive funding package and salary.

About the event at CERN

This event offers insight into career opportunities at IHEP, with short presentations by different IHEP divisions. Presentations will cover available positions and research programmes associated with the JUNO, BES, CEPC, CSNS, HEPS, LHASSO, AliCPT, eXTP, HERD, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments, as well as with accelerators, computing, and other fields. The event will also feature a discussion session to answer audience questions.

Individuals from all experiments and sectors at CERN are welcome to attend in person.
Registration is free; coffee and snacks will be served during the break.

Location: CERN 40/S2-C01—Salle Curie
Date: Monday 29/01/2024
Hours: 9:30–11:30 (CERN time)

Please fill out the following form if you plan to participate in person:

Individuals not at CERN may connect via Zoom:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 97170139256,Password:240129

Swedish Big Science Forum 2024

Welcome to our Swedish Big Science Forum!

Swedish Big Science Forum is our biennial event where the Swedish high-tech industry and academia meet with European Big Science organisations to hear about the latest developments and explore new opportunities. These research organisations have upcoming investments and procurements worth billions of euros.

At the Forum you can:

  • Learn about upcoming business opportunities in a wide range of areas
  • Meet representatives from Europe’s Big Science organisations
  • Build networks and establish long-term partnerships
  • Learn more about procurement rules, and how to win contracts with research facilities

Who will be attending?

  • Swedish companies supplying or looking to supply products and services to Big Science facilities.
  • Big Science organisations looking for new high-tech suppliers and/or collaboration partners for tech development.
  • Swedish universities and research institutes working in the field of Big Science.
  • Swedish stakeholders involved in Big Science funding and policy.

Choose whether to participate in one or both days (separate registration required). The venue is the same, Lund City Hall, at the heart of the historic university city.

Register today – we’re so looking forward to seeing you in Lund!


Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference 2024

The 12th edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics conference will be hosted at Northeastern University, Boston MA, June 3-7th 2024.

The LHCP conference series started in 2013 after a successful fusion of two international conferences, “Physics at Large Hadron Collider Conference” and “Hadron Collider Physics Symposium”. The programme of this edition will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, with many final results of the Large Hadron Collider Run-2, a glimpse of the upgraded accelerator and detector operation in Run-3, early physics results using the Run-3 data, and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment.

The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson Physics, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics, as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments.

Big Science Business Forum 2024

BSBF 2024 is a business oriented congress which congregates the main European Research Infrastructures, focused on technology and with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry.

This will be the third edition of the event after the success of the previous editions in Copenhagen and Granada, where more than 1,000 participants from more than 500 organisations and 29 countries gathered together to discuss the future prospects of the Big Science Market.

IPAC 2024

IPAC is one of the most international event for the worldwide particle accelerator field and industry. The IPAC’24 edition is sponsored, financially and technically, by the IEEE Nuclear Plasma Science Society(NPSS) and theAmerican Physical Society (APS) Division of Physics of Beams (DPB)and hosted by OakRidge National Lab (ORNL) a Department of Energy.

Pioneering research and development in accelerator technologies will be presented by global experts.Project leaders will present new accelerator projects, progress on active upgrades and operational status of accelerator facilities across the globe. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet their peers and to make new business contacts. Over 1,200 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors are expected to attend this remarkable and noteworthy event. IPAC’24 will offer the most complete review on new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology.

COSMO 2024

COSMO’24 (International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology) will take place for October 21-25, 2024 in Kyoto, Japan. It will bring together a wide range of cosmologists and particle physicists to discuss current ideas on particle physics and cosmology.

(more information TBA)

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