
The Dark Side of the Universe DSU2022

The 16th International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe/2nd Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Astroparticle Physics will take place on 5–9 Dec 2022 at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, hosted by the Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology.  It will bring together a wide range of theorists and experimentalists to discuss current ideas on models of the dark sector of the Universe and to relate them to ongoing and future experiments.

The meeting will feature invited plenary talks covering topics of recent interest, as well as a number of parallel sessions to provide an opportunity for junior scientists to present their work.

The workshop will be preceded by the 3rd Sydney Spring School, aimed at graduate students and young postdocs, to be held on 30 Nov – 2 Dec, 2022 at the University of Sydney.

Baryons 2022 – International Conference on the Structure of Baryons

The 2022 International Conference on the Structure of Baryons, Baryons-2022, will take place in Seville, the capital of Andalusia, Spain, in the period of 7-11 November 2022. This conference series began in 1970 at Duke University. The Seville meeting follows the successful events in Glasgow (2013), Tallahassee (2016), and related-school in Seville (2021); and will canvass similar themes. It will highlight the physics of baryons and related subjects in astro-, nuclear- and particle-physics, developing our understanding of the spectrum, structure and reactions of baryons using all available tools. Particular emphasis will be placed on elucidating the role of confinement and emergent mass, key non-perturbative phenomena within the Standard Model. Recent developments at existing facilities and those anticipated from the next-generation will also be showcased.

Main Topics Include:

  • Spectroscopy of hadrons.
  • Hadron-hadron Interactions.
  • Electromagnetic and weak interactions.
  • Hadrons at finite density and temperature.
  • Structure of hadrons.
  • Theory for strong QCD.
  • New facilities and instrumentation.

Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop

The main goal of this annual workshop is to review the status of the PBC studies continued or launched after the European Particle Physics Strategy update, with a focus on the programmes under consideration for start of operation after the next LHC long shutdown LS3. The workshop is also opened to presentation of new ideas of potential interest for CERN, after submission along the guidelines given on the PBC Home Page.

Organising Committee:

Gianluigi Arduini, Joerg Jaeckel, Claude Vallée

Higgs 2022

We are pleased to announce the Higgs 2022 Conference that will take place in the on-site format.

The conference will focus on new experimental and theoretical results on the Higgs boson.

Latest measurement of the Higgs boson properties and recent theoretical developments in the Higgs boson sector, in the Standard Model and in physics Beyond the Standard Model will be presented and discussed at the Conference.

Contributions will be organised in several parallel and plenary sessions.

During the the Conference, the ten years anniversary of Higgs boson discovery will be celebrated with social events opened to the general public.

The conference is planned to be kept in hybrid format with a substantial in-person participation, in compliance with the relevant COVID-19 regulations at the time of the meeting.

The 6th Asian Tier Center Forum (ATCF6)

It is the sixth event in this series after the pandemic with the aim to strengthen collaboration among Asian countries which are involved in Grid computing communities such as WLCG, B2G, and LDG. The forum will be held in Krabi, Thailand and hosted by Suranaree University of Technology(SUT) together with Global Science experimental Data hub Center (GSDC), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI).

The objectives of this forum  to review the activities through ATCF before the pandemic and their current status, i.e. Asian sites’ status, the network connectivity in terms of LHCONE in Asia and the distributed storage project conducted by three sites, KISTI-ICEPP-SUT. As usual, Asian sites’ participation and contributions are mandatory for the success of the forum, and we are expecting the presence from international / national research and education network providers in Asia with their roadmap and milestones for LHCONE networking. Also, we will discuss how to expand from lessons learned through the distributed storage project to further activities in order to consolidate resources and ease operational efforts. In this regard, the perspectives on Asian grid computing community from LHC and non-LHC experiments representatives will definitely be helpful and essential. Additionally, we will host HTCondor and Storage software sessions in order for site operators to interact closely with experts with the latest updates.

It is suggested that a strong collaboration in a same time zone is required to put efforts on tracking technologies, commissioning core grid services, establishing a support model for sites and so on. Thus, the ultimate goal of this forum is to contribute to promotion of harmonization of research computing infrastructure in the region.

HEPiX Autumn 2022 Workshop

The HEPiX forum brings together worldwide Information Technology staff, including system administrators, system engineers, and managers from High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics laboratories and institutes, to foster a learning and sharing experience between sites facing scientific computing and data challenges.

Participating sites include BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, IHEP, IN2P3, INFN, IRFU, KEK, LBNL, NDGF, NIKHEF, PIC, RAL, SLAC, TRIUMF, many other research labs and numerous universities from all over the world.

This workshop is hosted by NeIC – the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration together with HPC2N – High Performance Computing Center North at Umeå University.

International Conference on Quantum Technology for High-Energy Physics

Registration is now open for the International Conference on Quantum Technology for High-Energy Physics, which will be hosted at CERN on 1–4 November 2022.

Following CERN’s successful workshop on quantum computing in 2018, this is the first edition of the #QT4HEP conference taking place to further investigate the nascent quantum technology and its great promise to support scientific research.

Bringing the whole community together, we aim to foster common activities and knowledge sharing, discuss the recent developments in the quantum science field and keep looking for activities within HEP — and beyond — that can most benefit from the application of quantum technologies.

The event will cover a number of topics ranging from four quantum technology areas (theory, sensing, computing, communication), to collaborations with academia and industry, entrepreneurship, training and education activities.

There will also be a series of tutorials and hands-on sessions co-developed with companies and providers, to explore the fascinating field of quantum science to its possible fullest.

We look forward to welcoming you to the event!

For more information about CERN QTI, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2022)

NuFACT 2022 is the 23rd in the series of yearly international workshops which started in 1999 and which had previously been called the International Workshop on Neutrino Factories. The change of name to International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators is related to the fact that the workshop program has, over the years, come to include all current and future accelerator and also reactor based neutrino projects, including also muon projects, not only the Neutrino Factory project.

The main goal of the workshop is to review the progress of current and future facilities able to improve on measurements of the properties of neutral and charged lepton flavor violation, as well as searches for new phenomena beyond the capabilities of presently planned experiments. The workshop is both interdisciplinary and interregional in that experimenters, theorists, and accelerator physicists from all over the world share expertise with the common goal of reviewing the results of currently operating experiments and designing the next generation of experiments. To allow for worldwide participation we plan to broadcast plenary sessions and make at least some selected parallel sessions available. Plenary sessions will be mostly held in the mornings in Utah, which translates into convenient times for international participants from the Americans and Europe/Africa regions.

Before and during the conference we will also have several mini-workshops and panel discussions. Currently we plan to have a mini-workshop on Multi-Messenger Tomography of Earth and a workshop on Muon Colliders, and plan to have a panel discussion on the Snowmass exercise.

We are currently envisioning a fully in-person event. Plenary and selected parallel sessions will be streamed for world-wide participation. NuFact will include some dedicated hybrid events  with opportunities for remote participants to give presentations and to discuss with the in-person participants.

The NuFact 2022 workshop is divided into seven Working Groups covering the following topics:

  1. Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Working Group 1),
  2. Neutrino Scattering Physics (Working Group 2),
  3. Accelerator Physics (Working Group 3),
  4. Muon Physics (Working Group 4), and
  5. Neutrinos Beyond PMNS (Working Group 5)
  6. Detectors (Working Group 6)
  7. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Education & Outreach (Working Group 7)

Amplitudes 2022

Amplitudes 2022, the 14th in a series of annual meetings, brings together a community of researchers in this fast-growing field of theoretical physics, interested in both formal and practical aspects of scattering amplitudes, and wide range of applications from pure mathematics to collider and gravitational wave physics.

Amplitudes Summer School will take place the week prior to the conference, August 1-6, 2022.

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton)
  • Zvi Bern (UCLA)
  • Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State U.)
  • Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter)
  • Clifford Cheung (Caltech)
  • Lance Dixon (SLAC)
  • Henriette Elvang (University of Michigan)
  • Song He (CAS Beijing and Hangzhou)
  • Johannes Henn (Max Planck Inst., Munich)
  • David Kosower (IPhT, Saclay)
  • Michèle Levi (Oxford University)
  • Lionel Mason (Oxford University)
  • Anastasia Volovich (Brown University)

Local Organizers

Karol Kampf (Charles University), Jaroslav Trnka (UC Davis)
Christoph Bartsch, Jiří Novotný, Petr Vaško (Charles University Prague)
Klaus Bering, Michal Pazderka (Masaryk University Brno)
Constantinos Skordis, Renann Lipinski Jusinskas, Will Emond (Academy of Sciences Prague), Taro Brown (UC Davis)

Confirmed speakers

Agnese Bissi, Alessandra Buonanno, Alex Edison, Alexander Zhiboedov, Alfredo Guevara, Amit Sever, Andrew McLeod, Andrzej Pokraka, Callum Jones, Chia-Hsien Shen, Congkao Wen, Dalimil Mazac, David Kosower, Dimitry Chicherin, Fabrizio Caola, Gabriele Travaglini, Guilherme Pimentel, Gustav Mogull, Henriette Elvang, Hofie Hannesdottir, Johannes Henn, Julio Parra-Martinez, Lance Dixon, Livia Ferro, Lucia Cordova, Marc Spradlin, Mariana Carrillo-Gonzalez, Matthias Wilhelm, Michèle Levi, Monica Pate, Natalie Paquette, Nathaniel Craig, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Sabrina Pasterski, Sebastian Mizera, Shruti Paranjape, Song He, Tim Adamo, Xi Yin, Zohar Komargodski, Zvi Bern


This conference receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  (Novel structures in scattering amplitudes, grant agreement No 725110). We also acknowledge the support of Charles University, the Czech Science Foundation, the Czech Ministry of Education, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Masaryk University.

SLAC Summer Institute 2022 : Golden Opportunities Puzzles & Surprises – Past & Present (SSI 2022)

The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual two-week-long Summer School tradition since 1973. The theme of the 50th SLAC Summer Institute for this Golden Anniversary year’s installment is “Golden Opportunities: Puzzles & Surprises – Past & Future”. These SSI lectures will discuss how our attempts to solve and understand the various puzzles and surprises presented to us by nature, whether we have been successful or not, have pushed – and continue to push – our field forward. This SSI intends to inspire reinvigorated effort for new revelations on these fundamental puzzles. SSI is especially targeted for graduate students and postdocs while senior researchers are also welcome.

This year’s SSI is proceeding with the on SLAC site full program in person, with lectures in the morning, Q&A discussions and projects in the afternoon. There will be also special 50th anniversary sessions at the end of SSI to look back at the history of SSI. We are evaluating the COVID-19 situation continuously and preparing precautionary measures, but unless the situation is taking a worse turn than the present orange level in California the program remains on site.

For SSI logistics questions, please use the contact us link on the web page


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