Light Dark World 2020 is the fifth meeting of the Light Dark World International Forum. It will be held on December 14-18, 2020, via zoom and is hosted by Sydney-CPPC, the consortium of the particle physics and cosmology groups at the Universities of New South Wales and Sydney. The zoom link will be provided to registered participants closer to the workshop.
Light Dark World 2020 will bring together global experts from experiment and theory to discuss recent advances and develop new opportunities to study new light particles beyond the Standard Model, including light gauge boson, light scalar, light dark matter, axion, axion-like particle, and light sterile neutrinos.
Previous Meetings of the Light Dark World Series are
- Light Dark World 2019, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- Light Dark World 2018, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
- Light Dark World 2017, Pittsburgh, USA
- Light Dark World 2016, IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Daejeon, Korea
Confirmed speakers:
- Djuna Croon (TRIUMF)
- Malcolm Fairbairn (King’s College London)
- Jonathan Feng (UC Irvine)
- Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz)
- Rebecca Leane (SLAC)
- Hyun-Min Lee (Chung-Ang U)
- David Morrissey (TRIUMF)
- Josef Pradler (Vienna, OAW)
- Yannis Semertzidis (KAIST)
- Yevgeny Stadnik (IPMU)
- Michael Tobar (U Western Australia)
- Jingqiang Ye (Columbia U)
- Tien-Tien Yu (U Oregon)
- Yu-Feng Zhou (ITP)
The eighth LLP Community workshop will occur from 16 to 19 November 2020. It was originally planned to take place at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it will be fully virtual again. We look forward to having a workshop in person in Japan as soon as possible.
LLP8 will be more focused on virtual working groups than the May workshop. Stay tuned for more info and for a call for contributions.
Please make sure you’re a member of the lhc-llp CERN egroup to receive updates.
The Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS) will deliver a design and an implementation plan for a new research infrastructure, consisting of a 100 km long, circular tunnel and a dozen surface sites. It will initially host an electron-positron particle collider. With an energy frontier hadron collider as a second step, it can serve a world-wide community through the end of the 21st century. This project will validate the key performance enablers at particle accelerators.
Part of this event is the 4th FCC Physics and Experiments Workshop (dedicated agenda and registration: click here)
This will be a remote-only event using Zoom for webcast.
Presentations for non physics or theory activities are on invitation only.
The 12th Workshop on Accelerator Operations (WAO) will take place in Barcelona (Spain), from October 4th to October 9th, 2020.
WAO’2020 will be hosted by the ALBA Synchrotron and the Worskhop venue will be the Parc de Recerca Biomèdica located on the Barceloneta seafront downtown in Barcelona.
The objective of the workshop is to create an open forum for those involved in the daily operation of particle accelerators to present, discuss, and exchange ideas with their peers from around the world. Accelerator operations staff from facilities of all sizes gather to collaborate on topics such as accelerator operation, performance, organization, maintenance, documentation, software, control room layout, remote operation, and safety. It also serves the accelerator operations community to establish benchmarks by facilitating comparisons of methods, efficiencies, costs, reliability, beam quality and other performance measures.
The workshop style atmosphere, which allows for interpersonal communication, is organized with scheduled talks, a poster session, and discussion periods; along with the opportunity for further discussion at breaks and meals.
The Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, Forschungszentrum Jülich, INFN-LNF Frascati and Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS Cracow are organizing a biennial workshop to establish closer contacts between experimentalists and theorists involved in the studies of meson production, properties and interaction. The workshop will cover lectures on both experimental and theoretical aspects, in particular the presentation of new results.
The main topics of the workshop are:
- hadronic and electromagnetic meson production,
- meson interaction with mesons, baryons, ground state nuclei as well as
hot and dense nuclear matter,
- structure of hadrons,
- precision measurements as tests of fundamental symmetries,
- exotic systems in QCD,
- novel approaches in theory and experiment.
The intention is to provide an overview of the present status in these fields, as well as of new developments, and a preview of the forthcoming investigations. This workshop – the sixteenth of the series – will maintain the tradition of the workshops organized since 1991 at Cracow.
This conference will bring together experts in cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental theory to address how and when the universe thermalizes following inflation, and the associated particle physics and dark matter phenomenology. Important topics that will be covered include hidden sector model building in the LHC era, thermalization of the universe following inflation, possibilities of post-inflation cosmic history prior to nucleosynthesis, and associated experimental signatures. The conference aims to attract researchers in different areas to develop new directions in model building and establish new experimental paths for probing early universe cosmology and dark matter phenomenology.