The purpose of the Rencontres de Moriond is to discuss recent findings and new ideas in physics in a pleasant, relaxed and convivial atmosphere. The 2025 edition will take place in the pleasant winter sports resort of La Thuile in the Italian Alps, and will cover Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories; Quantum Mesoscopic Physics; Gravitation; and QCD & High Energy Interactions.
For information on the venue and accommodations, use the “UCLA Conference Website” link to the left or go to
For registration, please click on the “Registration” option on the left of this Indico page. After you register on this website, to pay for the registration and/or additional banquet tickets, please use the “Registration-Payment” link to the left or
Please note that the early registration fee ($600) will change on Jan. 31st, 2023, at 16:00 (4pm) Pacific Time into our regular registration fee ($650) until March 8th at the same time. After which, the late registration fee ($700) will be charged. We encourage participants to register as early as possible to facilitate our planning.
DIS2023 is the 30th in the series of annual workshops on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects. The conference covers a large spectrum of topics in high energy physics. A significant part of the program is devoted to the most recent results from large experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, JLab and KEK. Theoretical advances are included as well.
The DIS2023 conference includes particle physics, nuclear physics and computational physics; it usually covers (but is not limited to) the following scientific topics:
- Structure Functions and Parton Densities
- Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons
- Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- QCD with Heavy Flavours and Hadronic Final States
- Spin and 3D Structure
- Future Experiments
The main topics of the conference are:
- Gravitational waves detection from the coalescence of black holes and neutron star mergers
- Detection and analysis of gravitational waves in the era of multimessenger astronomy
- Strong field tests of General Relativity (Pulsars, Black holes,…)
- Quantum sensors
- Pulsar timing
- Fundamental physics with gravitational waves
- Tests of the equivalence principle
- Astrometry, solar system ephemerides and observational gravity tests
- Space geodesy, Earth and Planetary Gravity, Navigation
- Clocks, lasers and fundamental constants
- Tests of GR and alternative theories (CPT and Lorentz violation,…)
- Modified gravity theories
- Short range gravity and Casimir effect: classical, atom and neutron tests
- Long range gravity, dark matter, dark energy
- Cosmology, primordial black holes and gravitational waves
Join more than 12,000 physicists at the largest physics meeting in the world in 2022!
Covering a Broad Spectrum of Physics.
Showcase your work to a global audience of physicists, scientists, and students representing 30 APS Units and Committees and explore groundbreaking research from industry, academia, and major labs.
APS is finalizing the scope of the virtual components of the March Meeting 2022. We will provide additional details as they become available.
Invited Sessions, Tutorials and Short Courses
Invited Session, Tutorials and Short Courses will be live streamed and captured for on-demand viewing. Speakers in these sessions will have the option to present remotely on the day of the program.
Contributed and Focus Sessions
APS asks all Contributed and Focus Session presenters to upload a video of their talk to our secure platform. This is for both in-person and remote attendees. The video will be made available to all registered participants, which will expand the reach of your research. If you are unable to travel to Chicago, your video will be played in your absence. APS will be unable to live stream and/or have remote presenters during Contributed and Focus Sessions.
Poster Presentations
Poster presenters will have the option to upload a five-minute video explanation along with their poster. These videos will be available to all registered participants on-demand. There also will be an in-person poster presentation scheduled and one for the virtual audience. We will provide more information once it is available.
This is the fifth annual workshop of the LPCC inter-experimental machine learning working group at CERN. It will take place at CERN with remote participation made possible.
This is the fourth annual workshop of the LPCC inter-experimental machine learning working group.
The structure is the following :
- Monday 28th March : Tutorials
- Tuesday 29th March : Plenary
- Wednesday 30th March-Friday 1st April: workshop sessions
The following plenary speakers are confirmed so far:
- Konstantinos Bousmalis (Deepmind Robotics)
- Laurent Daudet (LightOn)
- Anna Goldie (Google Brain)
- Alex Gramfort (INRIA)
- Tommaso Dorigo (U Padova)
- Nils Thuerey (TUM)
- Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)
- Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA, Amsterdam)
The bulk of the workshop will be be built from contributed talks, for which abstract submission is open (will close 18th Feb 2022). For the contributed talks, the following Tracks have been defined:
- ML for object identification and reconstruction
- ML for analysis : event classification, statistical analysis and inference, including anomaly detection
- ML for simulation and surrogate model : Application of Machine Learning to simulation or other cases where it is deemed to replace an existing complex model
- Fast ML : Application of Machine Learning to DAQ/Trigger/Real Time Analysis
- ML infrastructure : Hardware and software for Machine Learning
- ML training, courses, tutorial, open datasets and challenges
- ML for astroparticle
- ML for phenomenology and theory
- ML for particle accelerators
- Other