

We are so pleased and honored to welcome you all to the 16th international particle accelerator conference (IPAC’25), to be held on 1–6, June, 2025 at Taipei, Taiwan. The event will be hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. The IPAC’25 edition is a collaborative effort organized by accelerator communities in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It will be an international event with a rich scientific program covers worldwide advancements in state-of-the-art accelerator research and development, gaining insights into new projects, and staying abreast of the latest developments in accelerator facilities globally. Besides, participants will have the valuable opportunity to connect with peers and establish new business contacts. With an expected attendance of over 1,000 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors, IPAC’25 promises to be a remarkable and significant event.

The 51st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) and the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS)

The 51st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) will be held in Beijing, China, in 2024. ICOPS is an annual conference coordinated by the Plasma Science and Application Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS).

The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS) was organized in Xi’an, China as the future Asian version of ICOPS in 2018, which has a strong component on fast emerging terahertz science. The ICOPS 2024 is organized together with the 4th APCOPTS. The program of the 51st ICOPS & 4th APCOPTS covers both traditional areas of plasma and terahertz science and new exploratory research areas. The conference offers an outstanding forum for scientists and engineers to learn further about some of the greatest advances in plasma science and technology, terahertz science and new exploratory research areas in recent years and to discuss future directions of research.

Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference 2024

The 12th edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics conference will be hosted at Northeastern University, Boston MA, June 3-7th 2024.

The LHCP conference series started in 2013 after a successful fusion of two international conferences, “Physics at Large Hadron Collider Conference” and “Hadron Collider Physics Symposium”. The programme of this edition will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, with many final results of the Large Hadron Collider Run-2, a glimpse of the upgraded accelerator and detector operation in Run-3, early physics results using the Run-3 data, and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment.

The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson Physics, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics, as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments.

Neutrino 2024

(more information TBA)

SQM 2024

The 21st International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2024) will focus on new experimental and theoretical developments on the role of strange and heavy-flavour quarks in high energy heavy-ion collisions and in astrophysical phenomena.

Scientific topics include:

  • Strangeness and heavy-quark production in nuclear collisions and hadronic interactions
  • Hadron resonances in the strongly-coupled partonic and hadronic medium
  • Bulk matter phenomena associated with strange and heavy quarks
  • QCD phase structure
  • Collectivity in small systems
  • Strangeness in astrophysics
  • Open questions and new developments

CLFV 2023

CLFV 2023: The 4th International Conference on Charged Lepton Flavor Violation

Searches for charged lepton flavor violation are powerful probes of new physics. In three days of plenary talks, this Conference will examine the theoretical status of charged lepton flavor violation models, present recent experimental results along with their impact on the theoretical landscape, and discuss prospects for the coming round of experiments.

  • The conference is held from 20.-22. June at Heidelberg University on the campus Neuenheimer Feld.
  • An excursion is planned on June 23rd.
  • Registration will be closed on June 5th.
  • All talks are plenary and by invitation only.
  • The deadline for abstract submission for posters is June 9th.

Higgs and Effective Field Theory HEFT 2023

We are pleased to announce that this year’s HEFT workshop will take place in Manchester in June 2023.

HEFT is an annual workshop focusing on the use of effective field theories to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A broad range of topics are encouraged, ranging from collider phenomenology and formal aspects to the latest experimental updates on dedicated searches. The meeting aims to foster discussions between theorists and phenomenologists from varied backgrounds as well as with experimental colleagues.

The 2023 edition is organised by the Particle Theory Group of the University of Manchester. The workshop will begin on June 19th morning and in the afternoon on June 21st.

Abstract submission is open. Abstracts are particularly welcome also from junior scientists (PhD students, young postdocs).

For more information and some accommodation suggestions, see also:

Please be aware of scam emails offering to organise accommodation for you!

ASAPP 2023

Advances in Space AstroParticle Physics:Frontier technologies for particle measurements in space

The ASAPP 2023 International Conference aims in reviewing the progresses in design, development, integration and test of instrumentation for measurement of particles and high-energy radiation in Space. The deployment and operation of novel instrumentation for particle and high-energy radiation measurement in space will pave the road to future astroparticle missions for investigations of fundamental physics and the Cosmos (e.g., cosmic ray physics, search for Dark Matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry, multimessenger astronomy, …); applications for monitoring of the space radiation environment; investigations of the impact of low energy ionizing particles on instrumentation, Space Weather, and Earth sciences.

This conference will be a unique opportunity in the international scenario to host a direct discussion between different experimental communities towards achieving common targets and foster synergies. The conference program will be consequently planned with plenary talks only with large slots dedicated to questions and discussions, taking advantage of the conference venue and social events to foster constructive discussions between participants in view of establishing nets of expertise.

The event is planned to be held with in-person participation. No remote connection will be provided unless specific exceptional events will require it.


The conference organizers invite the community to submit abstract proposals on the topics listed below (see the Scientific Program page for details)

  • Instrumentation and missions for direct high-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
  • Instrumentation and missions for indirect high-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
  • Instrumentation and missions for direct low-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
  • Instrumentation and missions for hard X-ray and γ-ray direct measurements in space
  • R&D of novel approaches and instruments for particle and high-energy radiation measurements in space, including (and not limited to):
    • Tracking detectors
    • Calorimetry detectors
    • Fast Time-of-Flight systems
    • Detectors for particle ID
    • High Temperature Superconducting magnets
    • FE and DAQ systems

In consideration of the variegate approaches that have been consolidating in the current era of space observations, contributions that target all opportunities of space platforms will be addressed, from cubesats and nanosatellite constellations up to large-size space missions, including stratospheric balloon flight missions. 


The 20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023) is to be held in Genova, Italy, from June 5th to 9th 2023.

This series of conferences started in 1985 at Maryland, USA. It brings together experimentalists and theorists every other year to review the status and progress in hadron spectroscopy, structure and related topics and to exchange ideas for future explorations.

The main topics of this conference include:

  • Meson spectroscopy
  • Baryon spectroscopy
  • Exotic hadrons and candidates
  • Hadron decays, production and interactions
  • Analysis tools
  • QCD and hadron structure
  • Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment
  • Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms
  • New facilities
  • Hadrons and physics beyond the standard model

TASI 2023

TASI 2023: “Aspects of Symmetry”

The program will consist of a pedagogical series of lectures and seminars. Lectures will be given over a four-week period, three or four lectures per day, Monday through Friday. The audience will be composed primarily of advanced theoretical graduate students. Experimentalists with a strong background in theory are also encouraged to apply. Some post-doctoral fellows will be admitted, but preference will be given to applicants who will not have received their Ph.D. before 2023. The minimum background needed to get full benefit of this TASI is a knowledge of quantum field theory and some familiarity with the Standard Model and issues beyond it. We hope to provide some subsidy, but students will need partial support from other sources. Rooms, meals, and access to all facilities will be provided at reasonable rates in beautifully located dormitories at the University of Colorado.

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