
IHEP CAS Career Information Session

An event at CERN highlighting job opportunities at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Introduction to IHEP

The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), a Chinese Academy of Sciences research institute, is the largest laboratory for the study of particle physics in China. IHEP is the professional home of over 1500 full-time employees, as well as more than 900 postdocs and graduate students. Since particle physics is a very collaborative and international field, IHEP also has partnerships and experimental collaborations with dozens of universities and research institutions across China and the world.


IHEP is always searching for more excellent scientists and engineers, at all career stages, to join us in exploring this amazing universe. We have long-term and short-term opportunities available in our world-class research programmes, which include the fields of high energy physics, particle astrophysics, computer science, cosmology, synchrotron radiation, and advanced accelerator physics. These positions come with a highly competitive funding package and salary.

About the event at CERN

This event offers insight into career opportunities at IHEP, with short presentations by different IHEP divisions. Presentations will cover available positions and research programmes associated with the JUNO, BES, CEPC, CSNS, HEPS, LHASSO, AliCPT, eXTP, HERD, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments, as well as with accelerators, computing, and other fields. The event will also feature a discussion session to answer audience questions.

Individuals from all experiments and sectors at CERN are welcome to attend in person.
Registration is free; coffee and snacks will be served during the break.

Location: CERN 40/S2-C01—Salle Curie
Date: Monday 29/01/2024
Hours: 9:30–11:30 (CERN time)

Please fill out the following form if you plan to participate in person:

Individuals not at CERN may connect via Zoom:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 97170139256,Password:240129

Swedish Big Science Forum 2024

Welcome to our Swedish Big Science Forum!

Swedish Big Science Forum is our biennial event where the Swedish high-tech industry and academia meet with European Big Science organisations to hear about the latest developments and explore new opportunities. These research organisations have upcoming investments and procurements worth billions of euros.

At the Forum you can:

  • Learn about upcoming business opportunities in a wide range of areas
  • Meet representatives from Europe’s Big Science organisations
  • Build networks and establish long-term partnerships
  • Learn more about procurement rules, and how to win contracts with research facilities

Who will be attending?

  • Swedish companies supplying or looking to supply products and services to Big Science facilities.
  • Big Science organisations looking for new high-tech suppliers and/or collaboration partners for tech development.
  • Swedish universities and research institutes working in the field of Big Science.
  • Swedish stakeholders involved in Big Science funding and policy.

Choose whether to participate in one or both days (separate registration required). The venue is the same, Lund City Hall, at the heart of the historic university city.

Register today – we’re so looking forward to seeing you in Lund!


Rencontres du Vietnam 2023 – Theory meeting experiments: particle astrophysics and cosmology

The conference Theory meeting experiments (TMEX-2023) will be held on 5–11 January 2023. It will bring together leading theoreticians and experimentalists to discuss forefront topics in the field of particle astrophysics and cosmology. This meeting will be organized in Quy Nhon at the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) in the spirit of the Rencontres du Vietnam, a series of topical international multidisciplinary meetings, created by Jean Trân Thanh Vân, which in the past covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. Lunches will be served in the Center to all participants, in order to enhance interaction among scientists.

The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited oral presentations (both review and topical) and contributed talks. A special emphasis will be put on active participation of younger researchers and post-docs. A detailed scientific programme is currently in preparation; if you urgently need information which is currently not available on this site, you may contact Emmanuel Moulin (email) and/or Gérard Fontaine (email). This site will be updated regularly, as new information becomes available. The format of the conference will gather around 100 participants discussing subjects as:

  • Dark matter: WIMPs and alternatives
  • Dark matter: direct and indirect searches
  • Gravitational waves:
  • Gamma rays, cosmic rays
  • Neutrinos
  • Large scale surveys
  • Cosmological parameters
  • Future experiments/facilities
  • Time domain astronomy and multi-messenger astronomy

European School in Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP)

The European School in Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) aims at training Master, PhD students and professionals to the high standard of instrumentation in use in particle and astroparticle physics

CHIPP winter school of particle physics

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts an annual winter school based on the  activities of the swiss institutes involved in particle and astro-particle physics.  The purpose of the school is to offer young physicists an opportunity to learn about recent advances in elementary-particle physics from local and world-leading researchers. The school program includes lectures on accelerator and non-accelerator particle physics (detectors, LHC physics, neutrinos, astrophysics, flavor physics) from an experimental and phenomenological perspective.

Geometry and Swampland

Despite its undeniable success, there are evidences that the Standard Model cannot be the fundamental theory of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. The search for a theory beyond the Standard Model is deeply connected to another fundamental question in theoretical physics, namely understanding the structure of quantum gravity. Whatever effective theory might describe particle interactions beyond the observable energy scale must eventually be completed into quantum gravity. Recently, a lot of activity has been devoted to determine criteria which differentiate between effective low-energy field theories that can be consistently coupled to quantum gravity from theories that, even if they seem to be consistent, cannot. In the current jargon, the former are said to be in the `Landscape’ while the latter form the so-called `Swampland’. A number of such criteria, or Swampland Conjectures, have been proposed in the literature and attracted considerable interest in the high energy physics community. The Swampland Conjectures have profound implications for many open issues in physics and cosmology, such as the structure of large field inflation in early-time cosmology, or the mechanism responsible for the observed late-time acceleration of the universe, to name some of the most striking examples. It is therefore extremely important and timely to put such conjectures on firmer grounds.

A concrete and particularly well developed framework to address specific questions of quantum gravity is String Theory, where the Swampland conjectures translate into conjectures regarding the structure of possible string geometries. Recent work has shown that these geometries have an elegant reformulation in terms of a generalized version of Riemannian geometry. The goal of this workshop is to explore the intriguing connections between general properties of quantum gravity and the generalized geometry of string theory. The workshop aims to bring together the swampland community and the generalized geometry community at this unique time in which our understanding of the Swampland is quickly evolving.

GGI Lectures on the Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2022

The lectures are primarily addressed to PhD students in High Energy Particle and Astroparticle Physics. The aim of the school is to give a pedagogical introduction to the basic concepts and tools needed for research, covering the foundations of the subject at a deep and advanced level. The main topics include the Standard Model of Particle Physics and its extensions, Collider Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Cosmology.

56th Rencontres de Moriond 2022

The 56th conference in the Rencontres de Moriond series and part of the Moriond Astro series.

The purpose of the Rencontres de Moriond is to discuss recent findings and new ideas in physics in a pleasant, relaxed and convivial atmosphere. The meeting is intended to promote fruitful collaboration between various communities and institutes by bringing together a small number of scientists in inspiring surroundings. At the Rencontres, theorists meet experimenters, young scientists at the post-doctoral level meet senior researchers and discuss all the presented results with them.

The 2022 sessions will be on the following dates:

23–30/01: Cosmology

30/01–06/02: Gravitation

12–19/03: Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories

19–26/03: QCD and High Energy Interactions

19–26/03: Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe

6th International Conference on the Initial Stages of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions: Initial Stages 2021 (IS2021)

The conference is dedicated to new experimental results from the LHC and RHIC as well as developments in theoretical tools that predict and explain recent phenomena observed in experiments. The conference mainly focuses on (but is not limited to):

  • The initial stages of heavy-ion collisions
  • The partonic structure of protons and nuclei
  • Parton distribution functions; their modification in the nuclear medium and parton saturation effects in and out of the nuclear medium;
  • Collective-dynamics phenomena including the role and nature of fluctuations and correlations, with special attention to understanding both small and large systems
  • Hydrodynamical evolution – the determination of viscosity, and other transport coefficients of strongly interacting matter.
  • Multiparton interactions
  • Future RHIC and LHC runs, and experimental facilities

The conference is organized by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, and by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. Due to the pandemic, the format of the conference has not yet been finalized. The organizers prefer to have a traditional in-person conference in Rehovot, Israel, with a videoconference component for those who will not be able to attend. However, if this will not be feasible the conference will be turned into a fully-online meeting. The decision will depend on the situation with COVID-19 and travel restrictions imposed by the governments in different countries. The final decision on the format will be announced later.

  • 6th conference in the IS series

European Strategy Update – Strategy Drafting Session

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