The 32nd International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (LP-2025) will feature a broad range of topics of interest to the particle physics, cosmology and particle astro-physics communities. Presentations will include latest experimental results from current experiments, R&D towards future facilities and theoretical developments. There will be plenary talks providing summaries of the state of the field, typically in the morning, detailed reports in the parallel talks and topical results in poster sessions.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC). In 2024, LINAC will come to the heart of downtown Chicago, Illinois and take place at the historic Hilton Chicago from August 25-30, 2024. The conference will be hosted jointly by Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
LINAC is the main bi-yearly gathering for the world-wide community of linear accelerator experts. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linacs and their applications.
Following a long and successful tradition, LINAC2024 will feature invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions and an industry exhibition. A stimulating scientific program will be complemented by social events that promote informal knowledge exchange. There are several sponsorship opportunities for all those who would like to support the event and gain visibility. We plan on an in-person conference with very limited remote participation. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a special virtual tour of facilities at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to see the newly commissioned Advanced Photon Source Upgrade as well as other accelerator facilities, and to view the progress of the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) Superconducting radiofrequency linac and associated facilities at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL).
The 12th edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics conference will be hosted at Northeastern University, Boston MA, June 3-7th 2024.
The LHCP conference series started in 2013 after a successful fusion of two international conferences, “Physics at Large Hadron Collider Conference” and “Hadron Collider Physics Symposium”. The programme of this edition will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, with many final results of the Large Hadron Collider Run-2, a glimpse of the upgraded accelerator and detector operation in Run-3, early physics results using the Run-3 data, and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment.
The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson Physics, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics, as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments.
IPAC is one of the most international event for the worldwide particle accelerator field and industry. The IPAC’24 edition is sponsored, financially and technically, by the IEEE Nuclear Plasma Science Society(NPSS) and theAmerican Physical Society (APS) Division of Physics of Beams (DPB)and hosted by OakRidge National Lab (ORNL) a Department of Energy.
Pioneering research and development in accelerator technologies will be presented by global experts.Project leaders will present new accelerator projects, progress on active upgrades and operational status of accelerator facilities across the globe. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet their peers and to make new business contacts. Over 1,200 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors are expected to attend this remarkable and noteworthy event. IPAC’24 will offer the most complete review on new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology.
40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
The International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory is an annual conference that attracts scientists from around the world. Originally started as a place for physicists to discuss their recent developments in lattice gauge theory, nowadays the conference is the largest of its type and has grown to include areas like algorithms and machine architectures, code development, chiral symmetry, physics beyond the standard model, and strongly interacting phenomena in low-dimensions.
The scientific program of this conference will include plenary talks and parallel sessions on the following topics:
- Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
- Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions
- Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- QCD at Non-zero Density
- QCD at Non-zero Temperature
- Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
- Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
- Software Development and Machines
- Standard Model Parameters
- Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei
- Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
- Theoretical Developments
- Vacuum Structure and Confinement
TASI 2023: “Aspects of Symmetry”
The program will consist of a pedagogical series of lectures and seminars. Lectures will be given over a four-week period, three or four lectures per day, Monday through Friday. The audience will be composed primarily of advanced theoretical graduate students. Experimentalists with a strong background in theory are also encouraged to apply. Some post-doctoral fellows will be admitted, but preference will be given to applicants who will not have received their Ph.D. before 2023. The minimum background needed to get full benefit of this TASI is a knowledge of quantum field theory and some familiarity with the Standard Model and issues beyond it. We hope to provide some subsidy, but students will need partial support from other sources. Rooms, meals, and access to all facilities will be provided at reasonable rates in beautifully located dormitories at the University of Colorado.
The CHEP conferences address the computing, networking and software issues for the world’s leading data‐intensive science experiments that currently analyze hundreds of petabytes of data using worldwide computing resources. The Conference provides a unique opportunity for computing experts across Particle and Nuclear Physics to come together to learn from each other and typically attracts over 500 participants. The event features plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and poster presentations; it publishes peer-reviewed proceedings.
The focus of the conference evolves with time to highlight changing technologies and major scientific initiatives. Through the plenary sessions, related scientific and computing topics are presented to ensure a broad and thoughtful program that engages the community. This edition of the conference will place special emphasis on high-performance data organization, management, and access (DOMA), a topic of interest and relevance throughout the scientific community.
The nine parallel session tracks focus on specific topics and often have very animated discussions on the technical merits of various approaches. Birds of a feather sessions promote international communities of common interest.
The CHEP 2023 organizers are committed to fostering a supportive and diverse environment with opportunities for everyone. We take a positive attitude towards having full participation from the whole community and everybody in the field is encouraged to attend. Attendance of students at CHEP 2023 is strongly encouraged. A diversity event will be scheduled.
The CHEP conference location rotates between the Americas, Asia and Europe, and is typically held eighteen months apart. The CHEP 2023 conference will be hosted by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) at the newly renovated Norfolk Marriott Waterside hotel in Norfolk, Virginia.
The conference will be held from Monday, May 8, 2023, through Friday, May 12, 2023. For the most up-to-date travel guidelines, please reference
A WLCG/HSF pre-conference workshop will be held on the prior weekend (May 6-7).
For information on the venue and accommodations, use the “UCLA Conference Website” link to the left or go to
For registration, please click on the “Registration” option on the left of this Indico page. After you register on this website, to pay for the registration and/or additional banquet tickets, please use the “Registration-Payment” link to the left or
Please note that the early registration fee ($600) will change on Jan. 31st, 2023, at 16:00 (4pm) Pacific Time into our regular registration fee ($650) until March 8th at the same time. After which, the late registration fee ($700) will be charged. We encourage participants to register as early as possible to facilitate our planning.
DIS2023 is the 30th in the series of annual workshops on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects. The conference covers a large spectrum of topics in high energy physics. A significant part of the program is devoted to the most recent results from large experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, JLab and KEK. Theoretical advances are included as well.
The DIS2023 conference includes particle physics, nuclear physics and computational physics; it usually covers (but is not limited to) the following scientific topics:
- Structure Functions and Parton Densities
- Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons
- Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- QCD with Heavy Flavours and Hadronic Final States
- Spin and 3D Structure
- Future Experiments