
SUSY 2023

The 30th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions

The Conferences on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY) are among the largest international events where particle physicists come together to discuss innovative ideas pertaining to fundamental interactions among elementary particles.

The aim of the SUSY conference is to review and discuss recent research related to supersymmetric theories and all other approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model in all aspects, including formal theory, phenomenology, astrophysics, experiment, etc.

The University of Southampton is responsible for organising the 30th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2023).

Registration and Abstract submission will open on 20th April and close on 16th June for both the SUSY 2023 conference and the pre-SUSY school.


Higgs and Effective Field Theory HEFT 2023

We are pleased to announce that this year’s HEFT workshop will take place in Manchester in June 2023.

HEFT is an annual workshop focusing on the use of effective field theories to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A broad range of topics are encouraged, ranging from collider phenomenology and formal aspects to the latest experimental updates on dedicated searches. The meeting aims to foster discussions between theorists and phenomenologists from varied backgrounds as well as with experimental colleagues.

The 2023 edition is organised by the Particle Theory Group of the University of Manchester. The workshop will begin on June 19th morning and in the afternoon on June 21st.

Abstract submission is open. Abstracts are particularly welcome also from junior scientists (PhD students, young postdocs).

For more information and some accommodation suggestions, see also:

Please be aware of scam emails offering to organise accommodation for you!

FCC Week 2023

The ninth edition of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) Conference will take place in London, United Kingdom from 5 to 9 June 2023. The meeting brings together the international scientific community pursuing a feasibility study for a visionary post-LHC research infrastructure at CERN and is organized with the support of the EU-funded H2020 FCCIS project.

Leading experts from academia and industry will review the recent progress en route to the completion of the feasibility study in 2025 and set the near-term goals for the coming years. The physics opportunities opened by the FCC integrated programme as well as the status of key technology R&D programmes will be discussed along with the technological opportunities on offer for building new collaborative projects. The meeting is an excellent opportunity to reinforce the bonds between the FCC collaborating institutes and to draft the work plans for the submission of the FCC mid-term review to the CERN’s Council later this year.

The FCC Week 2023 will follow the traditional layout of plenary and parallel sessions covering all aspects of the study: physics, experiments, machine design, technologies, infrastructures and civil engineering. Monday features a set of plenary keynote presentations with top-ranking international speakers from the world of science, industry and European affairs, offering an overview about the ongoing activities across all parts of the study and serve to inform study members about the updated boundary conditions from placement studies, the latest machine parameters and progress on understanding the physics potential that the FCC integrated programme can offer during its lifetime. Parallel sessions will focus on specific areas. Satellite meetings for UK-related projects and for the governance bodies of the FCC study will be included in the programme that is being developed. Participation of industry is highly encouraged as addressing the technological challenges of a new research infrastructure presents opportunities for co-innovation.

The work carried out in the framework of the FCC Feasibility Study will inform the next update of the European Strategy and benefit society in areas beyond particle physics. We strongly encourage submission of proposals for posters via Indico on the FCCW2023 site. Oral contributions are by invitation.

2nd annual Commercialising Quantum Global 2023

The 2nd annual Commercialising Quantum Global will help senior business leaders to understand if and when they should adopt quantum technology.

Under the stewardship of editors from The Economist, at Commercialising Quantum, we will discuss how organisations can get the most out of quantum. The two-day agenda will cover the promise, the perils, the applications, the limitations, the hype and the reality of quantum.

The event will empower you to evaluate if and when you should invest in quantum technologies. The expected global recession in 2023 will force enterprises to make tough choices about where to invest. Does it make sense to capitalise on quantum technology today?

5th FCC Physics workshop

Following the recommendations from the European Strategy for Particle Physics, CERN has now launched the FCC Feasibility study (FCC-FS), of the FCC colliders (ee and hh) as a global project with its international partners. The study goals include optimization of the placement and layout of the ring and related infrastructure, and demonstration of the geological, technical, environmental and administrative feasibility of the tunnel and surface areas, as well as the preparatory administrative processes required for a potential project approval, together with the Host States. The study will deepen the design of FCC-ee and FCC-hh and their injectors, supported by R&D on key technologies. The financial feasibility study will focus on the first stage (tunnel and FCC-ee). One of the pillars of the FCC-FS organization is the Physics Experiments and Detectors (PED) study, in which the physics case and detector concepts will be consolidated for both colliders (FCC-ee and FCC-hh, with its heavy ion programme and with the e-p option).

The 5th FCC Physics, Experiments and Detectors workshop will reflect the status and achievements of FCC PED studies and initiate new activities. All PED Working group packages will be represented, Physics Programme, Physics Performance, Detector Concepts and Physics Software and Computing, as well as the joint FCC-ee Accelerator-Experiment working groups (machine-detector interface (MDI) and centre-of-mass energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization (EPOL)). Joint sessions and tutorials will reinforce the synergies between working groups.

The workshop welcomes the widest community, geographically, thematically (colliders and beyond), and members of other ‘Higgs factory’ and future projects.

Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy 2019

The workshop brings together the nuclear and particle physics communities to discuss the latest developments (experimental and theoretical) in exotic and conventional hadron spectroscopy. It is the third in a series of workshops on this topic, following previous events at the University of Edinburgh. The spectrum of hadrons has become increasingly rich in recent years, owing to ongoing experimental discoveries at both particle and nuclear physics experiments. The properties of known states have been measured with improved precision, and many new states (both conventional and exotic) have been discovered. Often similar states and search methods are discussed separately in the particle and nuclear physics communities, with little interaction between them. This workshop facilitates communication between these communities, with the ultimate aim of improving our understanding of the spectrum of hadrons. A particular focus is new analysis methods and search strategies for current and future experimental facilities (CERN, JLab, Mainz, BESIII, BelleII, PANDA).

Geometry and Strings 2019

Conference on geometric aspects of string theory – formerly known as the series “Physics and Geometry of F-theory” – this new instalment will include a wider range of recent developments in geometric aspects of string theory.

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