The 25th Planck conference in the series “From the Planck scale to the electroweak scale” will take place in Warsaw, May 22-26, 2023. It will be focused on “Hot topics in particle physics and cosmology: theory facing experimental prospects”. Thus, its mostly theoretical character will be guided and organized according to the following blocks:
- Axions and axion-like particles
- Dark matter
- Flavour physics
- Gravitational waves and the universe’s evolution
- LHC and HLHC potential
- Neutrino physics
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 10 April 2023
- Decision on abstract acceptance: 10-18 April 2023
- Early registration deadline: 21 April 2023
- Regular registration deadline: 22 May 2023
- Conference: 22-26 May 2023
The concepts of using quantum information methods and tools in high-energy physics are triggering more and more attention in our community in recent years, after the pioneering workshop which took place at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2018. We are convinced that now it is the time for the follow-up and the discussion of new achievements.
Registration and call for abstracts were closed on April, 14.
Conference fee:
There is a conference fee of 200 EUR (900 PLN) which covers lunches and coffee breaks. Please make a bank transfer to one of the following bank accounts:
payment in PLN: PL07 1240 4722 1111 0000 4855 9692
payment in EUR: PL04 1240 2294 1978 0010 7072 2467
The XIV International Conference on Beauty, Charm and Hyperon Hadrons (BEACH 2022) will be held from 5th till 11th of June 2022 in Krakow, Poland.
- hadron production and heavy quarks decays,
- quarkonia and hyperons,
- electroweak measurements,
- neutrinos,
- symmetry violation,
- lattice and non-relativistic QCD,
- physics beyond the Standard Model,
- New facilities and projects.
This conference continues the BEACH series, which began with a meeting in Strasbourg in 1995. The series now offers a biennial opportunity for both theorists and experimentalists from the high-energy physics community to discuss all aspects of flavour physics.
The Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, Forschungszentrum Jülich, INFN-LNF Frascati and Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS Cracow are organizing a biennial workshop to establish closer contacts between experimentalists and theorists involved in the studies of meson production, properties and interaction. The workshop will cover lectures on both experimental and theoretical aspects, in particular the presentation of new results.
The main topics of the workshop are:
- hadronic and electromagnetic meson production,
- meson interaction with mesons, baryons, ground state nuclei as well as
hot and dense nuclear matter,
- structure of hadrons,
- precision measurements as tests of fundamental symmetries,
- exotic systems in QCD,
- novel approaches in theory and experiment.
The intention is to provide an overview of the present status in these fields, as well as of new developments, and a preview of the forthcoming investigations. This workshop – the sixteenth of the series – will maintain the tradition of the workshops organized since 1991 at Cracow.
This conference is devoted to relations between quantum field theory and string theory one hand, and mathematical knot theory and random matrix models on the other hand. Surprising connections between these areas of research have been found in last years. In the conference we will summarize important recent developments in this context and try to set the goals for the future research. Topics considered in the conference include: supersymmetric gauge theories, BPS states, topological string theory, integrability, homological knot invariants, matrix models, topological recursion.