PLANCK2025 is the 27th in the series of conferences “From the Planck scale to the electroweak scale”. The conference is intended to bring together researchers working in high-energy physics, covering a wide variety of formal, phenomenological and cosmological theoretical topics related to the present experimental programmes. We would appreciate a talk on present and future experiments.
The purpose of the Rencontres de Moriond is to discuss recent findings and new ideas in physics in a pleasant, relaxed and convivial atmosphere. The 2025 edition will take place in the pleasant winter sports resort of La Thuile in the Italian Alps, and will cover Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories; Quantum Mesoscopic Physics; Gravitation; and QCD & High Energy Interactions.
BSBF 2024 is a business oriented congress which congregates the main European Research Infrastructures, focused on technology and with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry.
This will be the third edition of the event after the success of the previous editions in Copenhagen and Granada, where more than 1,000 participants from more than 500 organisations and 29 countries gathered together to discuss the future prospects of the Big Science Market.
The goal of this conference is to draw a complete picture of the status of dark matter searches from the theoretical to the experimental point of view.
IDM 2024 is planned as an in-person conference on July 8-12, 2024. It will be held in L’Aquila, the capital city of the Abruzzo region in Italy. After the tragic earthquake of 2009 and the intense large-scale reconstruction of the last 14 years, L’Aquila has a strong commitment to innovation, science and technology.
This 15th IDM edition is jointly organized by the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences of the L’Aquila University (UnivAQ) and the National Gran Sasso Laboratory (LNGS). The city of L’Aquila is hungry for scientific and cultural events. Hosting three big scientific institutions, L’Aquila is a crossroads playing a crucial role in modern dark matter searches. LNGS is one of the most advanced underground facilities worldwide, hosting top-class experiments in a variety of particle physics fields. The Lab is an internationally recognized science centre and has an enormous cultural impact on the region. UnivAQ is a well-established reality with 17000 students and 7 departments, including Physics and Chemistry, Engineering, and Humanities. The excellence Ph.D. school GSSI, established in 2013 as part of the cultural renovation of the city, gained in a few years international relevance in its 4 research areas: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Social Studies.
Advances in Space AstroParticle Physics:Frontier technologies for particle measurements in space
The ASAPP 2023 International Conference aims in reviewing the progresses in design, development, integration and test of instrumentation for measurement of particles and high-energy radiation in Space. The deployment and operation of novel instrumentation for particle and high-energy radiation measurement in space will pave the road to future astroparticle missions for investigations of fundamental physics and the Cosmos (e.g., cosmic ray physics, search for Dark Matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry, multimessenger astronomy, …); applications for monitoring of the space radiation environment; investigations of the impact of low energy ionizing particles on instrumentation, Space Weather, and Earth sciences.
This conference will be a unique opportunity in the international scenario to host a direct discussion between different experimental communities towards achieving common targets and foster synergies. The conference program will be consequently planned with plenary talks only with large slots dedicated to questions and discussions, taking advantage of the conference venue and social events to foster constructive discussions between participants in view of establishing nets of expertise.
The event is planned to be held with in-person participation. No remote connection will be provided unless specific exceptional events will require it.
The conference organizers invite the community to submit abstract proposals on the topics listed below (see the Scientific Program page for details)
- Instrumentation and missions for direct high-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
- Instrumentation and missions for indirect high-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
- Instrumentation and missions for direct low-energy cosmic ray measurements in space
- Instrumentation and missions for hard X-ray and γ-ray direct measurements in space
- R&D of novel approaches and instruments for particle and high-energy radiation measurements in space, including (and not limited to):
- Tracking detectors
- Calorimetry detectors
- Fast Time-of-Flight systems
- Detectors for particle ID
- High Temperature Superconducting magnets
- FE and DAQ systems
- …
In consideration of the variegate approaches that have been consolidating in the current era of space observations, contributions that target all opportunities of space platforms will be addressed, from cubesats and nanosatellite constellations up to large-size space missions, including stratospheric balloon flight missions.
The 20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023) is to be held in Genova, Italy, from June 5th to 9th 2023.
This series of conferences started in 1985 at Maryland, USA. It brings together experimentalists and theorists every other year to review the status and progress in hadron spectroscopy, structure and related topics and to exchange ideas for future explorations.
The main topics of this conference include:
- Meson spectroscopy
- Baryon spectroscopy
- Exotic hadrons and candidates
- Hadron decays, production and interactions
- Analysis tools
- QCD and hadron structure
- Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment
- Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms
- New facilities
- Hadrons and physics beyond the standard model
The Muon4Future workshop aims to start a discussion that, for the first time, compares the results of the muon-based experiments, involving both the experimental and theoretical communities. Such a comparison is indispensable today since many of the discrepancies between the Standard Model and the measurements are concentrated in the muon sector. The purpose of the workshop is not only limited to examining the experiments currently carried out in data taking or already approved and/or under construction, but it also aims at discussing possible future proposals. The goal is to identify the most promising physics experiments and measurements that would allow to further test the Standard Model and search for new physics, comparing new ideas, relevant issues and related challenges.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published. A report containing the summary and the findings of the discussions of each session including Wednesday afternoon, will be prepared and published. The session conveners will be the editors and the workshop participants the authors of such a publication.
The Workshop will be held in presence in Venice, at “Palazzo Franchetti” of the “Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti”. The Workshop will have plenary sessions and talks are given by invited speakers.
To participate to the workshop a fee has to be paid and registration is mandatory through the relevant registration form on this site.
Before registering and make the payment, please visit the page “Fee and Payment” on this site, for all detailed instruction.
The Workshop is organized by INFN-Sezione di Padova with the support of the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University.
IPAC is the main international event for the worldwide particle accelerator field and industry. The IPAC’23 edition is jointly organized by the accelerator communities in Europe, Americas and Asia and is hosted by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. Attendees will learn about world-wide highlights in cutting-edge accelerator research and development, hear about new projects, gain the latest insights into accelerator facilities across the globe and, last not least, will have the opportunity to meet their peers and to make new business contacts. Over 1,200 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors are expected to attend this remarkable and noteworthy event. IPAC’23 will offer the most complete review on new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology. All this is in one week! An exceptional opportunity!
Post-conference tours will be organized to the physics laboratories of INFN-LNL and Elettra, equipped with modern hadron and electron accelerators.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists with different backgrounds and expertise to discuss open problems, recent developments and future directions in axion physics, a field that is notoriously replete with interdisciplinary connections. The aim is to foster a fruitful cross breeding between different theoretical areas, with a focus on certain open issues in axion particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Quantitative assessments of the axion contribution to Cold Dark Matter (CDM) involve top-notch lattice simulations of non- perturbative QCD effects, as well as of the cosmic evolution of axionic topological defects. Astrophysical observations provide strong bounds on axion properties because stellar evolution would be affected by the existence of axions and, intriguingly, some excesses in star energy losses have been reported. Cosmological scenarios in which the PQ symmetry is broken before inflation foresee axions imprints in the CMB, while in post-inflationary scenarios axion miniclusters, with overdensities several orders of magnitude larger than the local density of CDM, are expected to form, and a reliable assessment of their properties is of utmost importance. From the experimental side, a blossoming of potentially game-changing ideas, with an exciting crossover from experimental particle physics to materials science and cutting-edge technologies is inspiring new methods for axion searches. Novel techniques have been put forth that, besides exploiting the axion- photon coupling, aim to reveal axions via their couplings to nucleons and electrons. The interaction between the experimental and theoretical communities will foster the merging of ‘how to search’ with ‘where to search’ into optimized strategies to hunt for the axion.