Strong interest in feeble interactions
The FIPs 2020 workshop was structured around portals that may link the Standard Model to a rich dark sector: axions, dark photons, dark scalars and heavy neutral leptons.
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The FIPs 2020 workshop was structured around portals that may link the Standard Model to a rich dark sector: axions, dark photons, dark scalars and heavy neutral leptons.
Boris Kayser explains how neutrino physicists are now closing in on a crucial piece of evidence on the origin of the matter–antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe.
Young Suh Kim and Marilyn Noz’s book may struggle to find its audience, says Nikolaos Rompotis.
French actor Irène Jacob's novel is an intimate portrait of life as the daughter of a renowned theoretical physicist, writes James Gillies.
The sixth conference in the series marked Spanish theorist Emilio Elizalde’s 70th birthday.
The LHC’s physics programme has transformed our understanding of elementary particles, writes Michelangelo Mangano.
A symposium to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Glashow, Iliopoulos and Maiani's explanation of the suppression of strangeness-changing neutral currents was held in Shanghai.
The Standard-Model Extension provides a framework for testing CPT and Lorentz symmetries by including all operators that break them in an effective field theory.
John Ellis reflects on 50 years at the forefront of theoretical high-energy physics - and whether the field is ripe for a paradigm shift.
The 2020s will sort current anomalies in fundamental physics into discoveries or phantoms, says Ben Allanach.