A theory of theories
Effective field theory (EFT) is now seen as the most fundamental and generic way to capture the physics of nature at all scales, with applications ranging from LHC physics to cosmology.
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Effective field theory (EFT) is now seen as the most fundamental and generic way to capture the physics of nature at all scales, with applications ranging from LHC physics to cosmology.
The International Society for Quantum Gravity aims to turn disagreement into a call for better understanding, say Bianca Dittrich and Daniele Oriti
Theorists from the entire spectrum of high-energy physics convened to sketch a decadal vision in advance of the Snowmass Community Summer Study in Seattle this July.
NuFact 2021 brought together experimentalists, theorists and accelerator physicists in pursuit of CKM-level precision in neutrino physics.
Artificial-intelligence techniques have been used in experimental particle physics for 30 years, and are becoming increasingly widespread in theoretical physics. Anima Anandkumar and John Ellis explor...
The workshop explored new perturbative results and methods in quantum field theory, collider physics and gravity.
Carlo Rovelli’s Helgoland is a well-written and easy-to-follow exploration of quantum mechanics and its interpretation.
The recent Fermilab result offers a moment to reflect on perseverance and collaboration.
To confidently discover new physics in the muon g−2 anomaly requires that data-driven and lattice-QCD calculations of the Standard-Model value agree, write Thomas Blum, Luchang Jin and Christoph Leh...
Theorist Giulia Zanderighi discusses fundamental physics at the boundary between theory and experiment.