BESIII passes milestone at the charm threshold
The largest charm-threshold data set ever collected is also vital for studies with charm and beauty mesons at LHCb and Belle II.
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The largest charm-threshold data set ever collected is also vital for studies with charm and beauty mesons at LHCb and Belle II.
The 13th Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects workshop showcased mutual enthusiasm between the experimental and theoretical communities
Decay-time-dependent analyses of tree-level neutral B-meson decays are sensitive to the CKM angle γ via CP violation.
More than 100 kaon experts met at CERN in September for a hybrid workshop to take stock of the experimental and theoretical opportunities in kaon physics in the coming decades.
The LHCb collaboration has announced first results on the production of antihelium and antihypertriton nuclei in proton–proton collisions at the LHC.
The first major results from Belle II and precision flavour measurements by LHCb were among the highlights of Beauty 2023.
Legacy results from the first LHC runs represent a new milestone in LHCb’s hunt for physics beyond the Standard Model.
A new analysis of proton–lead collisions has allowed LHCb to investigate a crucial missing piece in our understanding of quantum chromodynamics.
LHCb has surpassed the precision of B-factory experiments on key CP-violation observables in charmonium decays.
LHCb result places stringent constraints on the parameter space of physics beyond the Standard Model.