Thin silicon sharpens STAR imaging
A new technology has enabled the STAR collaboration at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) to greatly expand its ability to reconstruct short-lived charm hadron d...
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A new technology has enabled the STAR collaboration at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) to greatly expand its ability to reconstruct short-lived charm hadron d...
A global effort is under way to carry out a complete search for high-mass dark-matter particles using an experiment called DarkSide-20k.
New-Zealand company MARS Bioimaging Ltd has used technology developed at CERN to perform the first colour 3D X-ray of a human body, offering more accurate medical diagnoses.
A new facility called the Higgs Centre for Innovation opened at the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh on 25 May as part of the UK government’s efforts to boost productivity and innovation. The centre,...
CERN’s radioactive ion-beam facility ISOLDE has stamped a new coin in its impressive collection. Long considered the domain of high-energy, in-flight rare-isotope facilities, chromium has now been p...
Dijet searches look for a resonance in the two-jet invariant mass spectrum.
CERN is a world-leading centre for extreme vacuum technology, thanks to a wealth of in-house expertise and a constant flow of challenging projects
Future Circular Collider (FCC) development workshop at CERN
Niobium–copper accelerating cavities are beginning to challenge their bulk-niobium counterparts
The Big Science Business Forum (BSBF), held in Copenhagen, Denmark, saw delegates discuss opportunities in the current big-science landscape