Taking the temperature of collider calorimetry
Michele Livan and Richard Wigmans have written an up-to-date introduction to both the fundamental physics and the technical parameters.
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Michele Livan and Richard Wigmans have written an up-to-date introduction to both the fundamental physics and the technical parameters.
Embedded radio-frequency (RF) cavities such as those featured in spiral-shaped cooling channels are one example.
More than 300 experts convened from 18-22 February for the 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation.
Former CERN physicist Christian Fabjan takes a whirlwind tour of 60 years of innovation in particle-detection technology at CERN and beyond.
Experiments have the potential to explore open questions in QCD and to search for hidden-sectors in which dark matter does not couple directly to Standard Model particles.
A strong tradition of innovation and ingenuity shows that, for CERN’s North Area, life really does begin at 40.
The Centre for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries will offer access to ultra-sensitive equipment for atomic and nuclear physics, antimatter research, quantum optics and metrology.
During the next two years of long-shutdown two (LS2), the LHC and its injectors will be tuned up for high-luminosity operations.
Scientists have determined the ionisation potentials from fermium to lawrencium, confirming the filling of the 5f shell in the heavy actinides.
One of the biggest challenges for the CMS collaboration during LS2 is to prepare its detector for the HL-LHC.