Limbering up for the Einstein Telescope
Preparations for a next-generation gravitational-wave observatory in Europe gather pace, with a conditional allocation of €42 million from the Dutch government.
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Preparations for a next-generation gravitational-wave observatory in Europe gather pace, with a conditional allocation of €42 million from the Dutch government.
Silicon photomultipliers offer many advantages over traditional tube devices, but further R&D is needed to understand their performance under radiation damage.
LHCb's all-new VELO detector will extend the collaboration's capabilities to search for new physics at Run 3.
The 5th FCC Physics Workshop saw advances in the physics capabilities and detector R&D for the proposed Future Circular Collider.
The hybrid event highlighted the ongoing achievements of CERN's n_TOF facility and its nuclear science and applications.
Preparations are under way for a next-generation heavy-ion experiment for Run 5 of the LHC and beyond.
Beyond the setting of new records, precise knowledge of the luminosity at particle colliders is vital for physics analyses.
New muon end-cap wheels currently being installed in the ATLAS detector will provide precision tracking and triggering at high rates for Run 3 and beyond.
LHCb's brand-new “SciFi” tracker and upgraded ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors are vital for the higher LHC luminosities ahead.
The laboratory has agreed to supply a second enormous liquid-argon tank for the US-based neutrino experiment's time-projection chambers.