Ascent commemorates cosmic-ray pioneers
Particle physicists brought cosmic-ray science to the heart of the Château-d’Oex International Balloon Festival.
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Particle physicists brought cosmic-ray science to the heart of the Château-d’Oex International Balloon Festival.
Aashild Sørheim's book presents new documentary evidence on the wartime life of an engineer who had a seminal impact on accelerator physics, writes Kurt Hübner.
Peter Jenni reviews Konrad Kleinknecht's new book on the interwoven stories of two giants of twentieth century physics.
Since the early 1960s his vision and organisational skills helped shape experimental particle physics in Czechoslovakia and Czechia.
A symposium to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Glashow, Iliopoulos and Maiani's explanation of the suppression of strangeness-changing neutral currents was held in Shanghai.
A colloquium was held at CERN on 25 November 2019.
Malcom Longair has written a monumental account of the Cavendish Laboratory.
117 authors collaborated to write on diverse aspects of the ATLAS project.
Karen Olsson's book tours the lives of Simone Weil and her brother, the noted mathematician André Weil.
Associated in bygone days with the UA1 and DELPHI, today hundreds of Austrian scientists contribute to CERN’s experimental programme.