ALPHA collaboration gets antihydrogen in the trap
Do matter and antimatter obey the same laws of physics? One intriguing way to test this would be to compare the spectra of hydrogen and its antimatter twin: antihydrogen.
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Do matter and antimatter obey the same laws of physics? One intriguing way to test this would be to compare the spectra of hydrogen and its antimatter twin: antihydrogen.
Both ALPHA and ASACUSA aim to measure precisely the spectrum of antihydrogen and compare it with that of hydrogen. Any small difference would cast light on the imbalance between matter and antimatter ...
Studies of high-energy collisions of gold ions by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), Brookhaven, have revealed evidence of the most massive antinucleus to date.
As Dirac realized, there’s more to antimatter than antihydrogen.
The latest record for antiparticle density created in the laboratory has not come from an accelerator facility but from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Jupiter laser facility.
The satellite experiment Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) has made a new measurement of the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio in cosmic rays with energi...
Recently, the Japanese–European group made the first steps towards producing a low-velocity antihydrogen beam.
The central tracker detector of the Anti Matter Spectrometer (AMS) arrived at CERN on 25 September ready for assembly with the other components of the experiment.
Jeffrey Hangst describes a new antihydrogen experiment at CERN.
Most experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) at CERN involve laser or microwave studies of atoms such as antiprotonic helium and antihydrogen.