
Welcome to the Universe

9 July 2018

by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael A Strauss and J Richard Gott
Princeton University Press

It is commonly believed that popular-science books should abstain as much as possible from using equations, apart from the most iconic ones, such as E = mc2. The three authors of Welcome to the Universe boldly defy this stereotype in a book that is intended to guide readers with no previous scientific education from the very basics (the first chapters explain the scientific notation, how to round-up numbers and some trigonometry) to cutting-edge research in astrophysics and cosmology.

This book reflects the content of a course that the authors gave for a decade to non-science majors at Princeton University. They are a small dream team of teachers and authors: Tyson is a star of astrophysics outreach, Strauss a renowned observational astronomer and Gott a theoretical cosmologist with other successful popular-science books to his name. The authors split the content of the book into three equal parts (stars and planets, galaxies, relativity and cosmology), making no attempt at stylistic uniformity. Apparently this was the intention, as they keep their distinct voices and refer frequently to their own research experiences to engage the reader. Despite this, the logical flow remains coherent, with a smooth progression in complexity.

Welcome to the Universe promises and delivers a lot. Non-scientist readers will get a rare opportunity to be taken from a basic understanding of the subject to highly advanced content, not only giving them the “wow factor” (although the authors do appeal to this a lot) but also approaching the same level of depth as a masters course in physics. A representative example is the lengthy derivation of E = mc2, the popular formula that everyone is familiar with but few know how to explain. And while that particular example is probably demanding to the layperson, most chapters are very pleasant to read, with a good balance of narration and analysis. The authors also make a point of explaining why recognised geniuses such as Einstein and Hawking got their fame in the first place. Scientifically-educated readers will find many insights in this volume too.

While I generally praise this book, it does have a few weak points. Some of the explanations are non-rigorous and confusing at the same time (an example of this is the sentence: “the formula has a constant h that quantises energy”). In addition, an entire chapter boasts of the role of one of the authors in the debate on whether Pluto has the status of a planet or not, which I found a bit out of place. But these issues are more irritating than harmful, and overall this book achieves an excellent balance between clarity and accuracy. The authors introduce several original analogies and provide an excellent non-technical explanation of the counterintuitive behaviour of the outer parts of a dying star, which expand while the inner parts contract.

I also appreciated the general emphasis on how measurements are done in practice, including an interesting digression on how Cavendish measured Newton’s constant more than two centuries ago. However, there are places where one feels the absence of such an explanation, for example, the practical limitations of measuring the temperatures of distant bodies are glossed over with a somewhat patronising “all kinds of technical reasons”.

This text comes with a problem book that is a real treasure trove. The exercises proposed are very diverse, reflecting the variety of audiences that the authors clearly target with their book. Some are meant to practice basic competences about units, orders of magnitude and rounding. Others demand readers to think outside of the box (e.g. by playing with geodesics in flatland, we see how to construct an object that is larger inside than outside, and have to estimate its mass using only trigonometry). For some of the quantitative exercises, the solution is provided twice: once in a lengthy way and then in a clever way. People more versed in literature than mathematics will find an exercise that demands you write a scientifically accurate, short science-fiction story (guidelines for grading are offered to the teachers) and one that simply asks, “If you could travel in time, which epoch would you visit and why?”

The book ends with a long and inspiring digression on the role of humans in the universe, and Gott’s suggestion of using the Copernican principle to predict the longevity of civilisations – and of pretty much everything – is definitely food for thought.


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