
Tour de QCD and beyond

24 June 2022
Participants at the 56th Moriond conference were thrilled by the chance to meet in person again, and by the many results presented. Credit: I Cossin/ARISF

The 56th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions took place at the Italian resort of La Thuile from 19 to 26 March. More than 100 participants, almost equally split between experimentalists and theorists, were treated to an exciting scientific programme and many in-person interactions, which were especially appreciated after two years of pandemic isolation.

Keeping with the tradition of Moriond, several new experimental results were presented by major experimental collaborations, with participants enjoying ample opportunities to debate cases where measurements and theoretical predictions do not agree. Held 10 years after the Higgs discovery, the conference started with a review of how the Higgs boson came of age – from early exploration to a precision era. An exciting mix of new precision results and interesting observations in Higgs physics were presented, including the first measurement of the Higgs-charm coupling as well as studies of off-shell Higgs production and di-Higgs production by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.

The first observation of tqγ production by ATLAS as well as many measurements in top-quark physics, including a mass measurement based on single top quarks by CMS, were discussed. Many recent studies of Z and W bosons and their interactions were reported, including a new CMS result that resolved an earlier mild LEP tension in the decay rates of W bosons to leptons, and the observation of triple-W production at the LHC by ATLAS. The LHCb collaboration presented its first measurement of the W mass, while CMS discussed the first observation of WW and triple-J/ψ production in double-parton scattering.

Several sessions were devoted to flavour measurements and anomalies, including possible lepton-flavour universality violations in B-meson decays. LHCb presented the most precise value of the CKM matrix angle γ measured in a single experiment, as well as the most precise measurement of the charm-mixing parameter yCP. New results on lepton-flavour universality attracted a lot of attention. Among them are LHCb’s measurement of the ratio of Br(B+ → K+μ+μ) to Br(B+ → K+e+e), which is 3.1σ away from the SM, new LHCb limits on rare B0 decays, and the CMS measurement of the Drell–Yan forward–backward asymmetry difference between di-muons and di-electrons. The status of selected Standard Model (SM) calculations was described with the conclusion that the predictions are robust and therefore possible deficiencies of the SM a very unlikely source of the flavour anomalies. A number of talks demonstrated that there are many ways to accommodate the flavour anomalies into a consistent physics picture, which predicts subtle signals at the LHC that could have easily evaded detection so far.

Several speakers emphasised the importance of new creative analysis concepts

Continuing the topic of searches for new physics, several speakers emphasised the importance of new creative analysis concepts, including searching for anomalous energy losses, non-pointing tracks, delayed photons, displaced jets, displaced collimated leptons and tagging missing mass with forward detectors. Among the results of many interesting searches presented at Moriond, a 3σ excess in the number of highly ionising particles reported by the ATLAS collaboration caused some excitement and discussion, indicating that further studies (and statistics!) are very much needed.

Several talks presented theoretical predictions at high orders of perturbative QCD for basic SM processes at the LHC and future lepton colliders, such as the Drell–Yan and jet-production processes. These tour de force computations, representing cutting-edge applications of quantum field theory to collider physics, force us to think about how such advances in the theory of hard hadron collisions can be used to search for physics beyond the SM. Several talks addressed this issue by considering specific physics examples pointing towards new, exciting opportunities during LHC Run 3.

Emphasising the need for a refined knowledge of the fundamental input parameters used to describe hadron collisions, four new extractions of the strong coupling constant were reported, based on HERA, CDF, LEP and CMS data. The role of precision deep-inelastic scattering (HERA) and W/Z (ATLAS/CMS) data in constraining parton distribution functions was clearly elucidated.

An element of nonperturbative QCD that keeps theorists on their toes is hadronic spectroscopy

Turning towards the non-perturbative sector of QCD, a measurement of Λc production down to zero transverse momentum allowed the ALICE collaboration to extract the total charm cross-section in pp collisions. Interestingly, the fraction of Λc is significantly above the e+e baseline. Jet substructure measurements presented by ALICE and CMS allow a detailed comparison to Monte Carlo event generators. Furthermore, the first direct observation of the dead-cone effect, a suppression of forward gluon radiation in case of a massive emitter, was presented by the ALICE collaboration using charm-tagged jets.

An element of non-perturbative QCD that keeps theorists on their toes is hadronic spectroscopy. This trend continued at Moriond where the discoveries of several new states were presented, including the same-sign doubly charmed T+cc (c–c–ud) (LHCb) and the Zcs (c–c–s–u) (BES III). The exploration of the χc1, earlier known as X(3872), with the hope of revealing its molecular or tetraquark nature, continues in pp as well as in PbPb collisions.

The best constraint of the charm diffusion coefficient in the quark–gluon plasma (ALICE), jet quenching studies with Z-hadron correlations (CMS) and surprising results on ridge structures in γp and γPb collisions (ATLAS) were presented during a dedicated heavy-ion session. Interestingly, by studying the abundant nuclei produced in heavy-ion collisions, the ALICE collaboration ruled out simple coalescence models for antideuteron production in PbPb collisions.

Finally, the current status of the muon anomalous magnetic moment was reviewed. The experimental value presented last year by the Fermilab g-2 collaboration shows a 1.5–4.2σ discrepancy with the SM prediction, depending on the theoretical baseline. An interesting comparison between continuum and lattice computations of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contributions was presented, and a new lattice result on hadronic light-by-light scattering was described, indicating that this “troublemaking” contribution is being brought under theoretical control.

Exciting experimental results and developments in the theory of QCD and high-energy interactions that, perhaps, remained somewhat hidden during the pandemic years, were on full display at Moriond, making the 56th edition of this conference a resounding success.

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