Achieving a theoretical uncertainty of only a few per cent in the measurement of physical observables is a vastly challenging task in the complex environment of hadronic collisions. To keep pace with experimental observations at the LHC and elsewhere, precision computing has had to develop rapidly in recent years – efforts that have been monitored and driven by the biennial High Precision for Hard Processes (HP2) conference for almost two decades now. The latest edition attracted 120 participants to the University of Torino from 10 to 13 September 2024.
All speakers addressed the same basic question: how can we achieve the most precise theoretical description for a wide variety of scattering processes at colliders?
The recipe for precise prediction involves many ingredients, so the talks in Torino probed several research directions. Advanced methods for the calculation of scattering amplitudes were discussed, among others, by Stephen Jones (IPPP Durham). These methods can be applied to detailed high-order phenomenological calculations for QCD, electroweak processes and BSM physics, as illustrated by Ramona Groeber (Padua) and Eleni Vryonidou (Manchester). Progress in parton showers – a crucial tool to bridge amplitude calculations and experimental results – was presented by Silvia Ferrario Ravasio (CERN). Dedicated methods to deal with the delicate issue of infrared divergences in high-order cross-section calculations were reviewed by Chiara Signorile-Signorile (Max Planck Institute, Munich).
The Torino conference was dedicated to the memory of Stefano Catani, a towering figure in the field of high-energy physics, who suddenly passed away at the beginning of this year. Starting from the early 1980s, and for the whole of his career, Catani made groundbreaking contributions in every facet of HP2. He was an inspiration to a whole generation of physicists working in high-energy phenomenology. We remember him as a generous and kind person, and a scientist of great rigour and vision. He will be sorely missed.