
Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology: Predictions, Observation and New Projects – Proceedings of the XXXth

13 November 2015

International Workshop on High Energy Physics
By V Petrov and R Ryutin (eds)
World Scientific


The most interesting talks delivered at the XXXth International Workshop on High Energy Physics, held in Protvino, Russia, in June 2014, are collected in this volume, along with the minutes of the six panel discussions. As the full title suggests, this conference not only focused on high-energy physics, but addressed a wide range of fundamental issues of modern particle and astroparticle physics, gravitation and cosmology.

The major subjects presented included the discovery and interpretation of the Brout–Englert–Higgs boson at the LHC, heavy-quark physics, quark–gluon plasma studies, diffractive scattering at high energies, neutrino oscillations, and theoretical interpretations of cosmological data on the evolution of the universe.

The panel discussions, in turn, highlighted difficult points in the various domains of modern physics, and identified possible research paths.


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