
JAERI/KEK project gets government approval

26 February 2001

Phase 1 of the new joint project between the Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and the national KEK laboratory on high-intensity proton accelerators (see Proton collaboration is under way in Japan) has been given the go-ahead to begin construction.

Although formal approval of the budget has not yet been given, notice from the government means that Phase 1 of the project has effectively already been approved.

Phase 1 of the new project will include:

  • a 400 MeV normal conducting Linac;
  • a 3 GeV rapid cycling Proton Synchrotron operating at 1 MW;
  • a 50 GeV PS operating at 0.75 MW;
  • a major part of the 3 GeV neutron/meson facility;
  • a portion of the 50 GeV experimental facility.

The total budget for Phase 1 is 1335 Oku Yen (1 Oku Yen is equal to 108 yen, or approximately $860 000) and it is expected to be completed within six years. The entire cost of the project, including Phase 2, is expected to be in the region of 1890 Oku Yen.


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