While it is now generally accepted that dark matter makes up the majority of the mass in the universe, little is known about what it is. A favoured hypothesis among particle physicists has long been that dark matter is made of new elementary particles. However, experiments searching for such particles face a serious challenge: neither the particles’ mass nor the strength of their interaction with normal matter is known. So the experiments must cast an ever-widening net in search of these elusive particles.
At the end of February, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search collaboration announced new results, obtained with the SuperCDMS detector. They expanded their search down to a previously untested dark-matter particle-mass range of 4–6 GeV/c2 and a dark-matter nucleon cross-section range of 1 × 10–40–1 × 10–41 cm2. Their exclusion results contradict recent hints of dark-matter detection by another experiment, CoGeNT, which uses particle detectors made of germanium – the same material used by SuperCDMS.
For their new results, CDMS employed a redesigned cryogenic detector known as iZIP that has ionization and phonon sensors interleaved on both sides of the germanium crystals. This substantially improves rejection of surface events from residual radioactivity, which have limited dark-matter sensitivity in previous searches. The collaboration operated these detectors 0.7 km underground in the Soudan mine in northern Minnesota, to shield them from cosmic-ray backgrounds.
There have been several recent hints for low-mass dark-matter particle detection, from previous data using silicon instead of germanium detectors in CDMS, and from three other experiments—DAMA, CoGeNT and CRESST—all finding their data compatible with the existence of dark-matter particles between 5 and 20 GeV/c2. But such light dark-matter particles are hard to pin down. The lower the mass of the dark-matter particles, the less energy they leave in detectors, and the more likely it is that background noise will drown out any signals.
The new CDMS iZIP detectors, with their improved background rejection, are continuing this search at Soudan, and hopefully soon in the lower background environment at SNOLAB. Confirmation of a signal of the direct detection of dark matter, and understanding of the interaction of dark matter with normal matter, is likely to require spotting these particles with different target nuclei in at least two different experiments.
Further reading
CDMS collaboration 2014 arxiv.org/abs/1402.7137 [hep-ex].