
Asia programme offers postgraduate grants

1 October 2001

Within the framework of the CERN-Asia Fellows and Associates programme, CERN offers three grants every year to young east, south-east and south Asia* postgraduates under the age of 33, enabling them to participate in its scientific programme in the areas of experimental and theoretical physics and accelerator technologies. The appointment is for one year, which might exceptionally be extended to two years.

Applications will be considered by the CERN Fellowship Selection Committee at its meeting on 29 January 2002. An application must consist of a completed application form, on which should be written “CERN-Asia Programme”; three separate reference letters; and a curriculum vitae including a list of scientific publications and any other information regarding the quality of the candidate. Applications, references and any other information must be provided in English only.

Applications should reach the Recruitment Office at CERN before 5 November 2001. Application forms can be obtained from the Recruitment Service, CERN, Human Resources Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland; e-mail Recruitment.Service; fax +41 22 767 2750.

The CERN-Asia Fellows and Associates programme also offers a few short-term associateship positions to scientists aged under 40 who wish to spend a fraction of the year at CERN or a Japanese laboratory and who are “on leave of absence” from their institute. Applications are accepted from scientists who are nationals of the east, south east and south Asian* countries and from CERN researchers who are nationals of a CERN member state.

*Candidates are accepted from the east, south-east and south Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Laos Republic, Malaysia, the Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.


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